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I'm always amazed when I walk away from a conversation knowing we both heard something completely different. It happens a lot. I started to finely craft my vocabulary and enunciation but to no avail. They always hear something else, and I probably do too.
I'm doing ok.. just working alot!!
I'm in Memphis doing a roof repair on the kitchen of Graceland. :pass:
There was a flood!:biggrin:View attachment 880258
View attachment 880259

Yea That's true .. I did ask tell FB I was using their genetics.. they didn't care.

Bushmaster!!!! :cheers::drunks: good to see ya bro!!!!
So your TCB on the homefront!! Make me a peanut butter and banana samich in the skillet when you ya get a chance. Thank you, thank you very much!
I'm always amazed when I walk away from a conversation knowing we both heard something completely different. It happens a lot. I started to finely craft my vocabulary and enunciation but to no avail. They always hear something else, and I probably do too.
Like talking to a woman . :biggrin:
Hey @9bear gert this. I had some lab work done at the doctors office last time I was there. Standard stuff, checking cholesterol and such. I got a co-pay bill for $40 and my insurance statement showed that the insurance company paid $354 for the bloodwork.
Somebody is doing someone or your insurance only covers so much and you pat the rest . I'm in Ontario Canada . All my hospital costs, drugs are all paid for . The cost of an ablation for the heart is $ 25000. 00 I had one and the Province picked up the tab I'm having a TURP end of March all paid for .
Somebody is doing someone or your insurance only covers so much and you pat the rest . I'm in Ontario Canada . All my hospital costs, drugs are all paid for . The cost of an ablation for the heart is $ 25000. 00 I had one and the Province picked up the tab I'm having a TURP end of March all paid for .
I wish we were smart enough to do this in the states. Basic medical costs are ridiculous and will put you in the poor house.
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