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yeah that fizzles out after awhile.the more activity the faster it can go usually. or larger strain,weather its sat for a bit. all sorts of stuff.anyways lol

Thanks brother I’ve never used a soilless medium so it’ll be my first run with it on that test grow.
I would personally advise against it actually ,but thats me. but it'll'll just require more work on your part is all Im trying to help you avoid is all man. assuming your going fully organic. but thats me. starting with bagged soils and trying to work them without said pre measured recipe/premix or followed recipe of some semblance to last X amount of time. that soil thinned with Pro mix wont do the job.unless your using bottled feeds then thats a whole different game man.Im just talking man LOL

thats bottle feeds man. not my field dude. lol 6.5 is fine. the more buffering you can swing it more but thta should be fine man
Well it said on the light warrior to use bottle feeds but I’m not gonna start feeding big bloom or grow big as early as the bag recommended I’m growing autos not photos lol
yeah most ANY bagged or hydro dude will tell you oh this bottle that bottle.thats modern gardening from larger companies curriculum and most modern growing anything. what that does it is takes a bunch of salts and doses your life overall. kills some ,preserves others. your doing the life in most soils a dis service by using only bottled feeds. some are better then others certainly, but FF it harsh on an organic soil. like really hard if thats what your going for.
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