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Ha ok, I just read this article and I’ve consumed pounds amongst pounds since the age of 11 when I first started smoking and I smoke pretty heavy and not once has this happened in the 21 years I’ve been smoking cannabis

I saw this today too and that was the second time in 6mos I saw reference to this "problem."
I'm with you @Kneehigh85 I started smoking at age 15, I'm 57 and I have been a chronic, every two hours type of user my whole life. After 40 yrs of buying whatever street weed that was around and now producing my own (and smoking way more than I used to), I have never known anyone nor have I experienced these symptoms. Fake News, IMO.
So I’ve gotta question.... has anyone ever seen a seedling break soil, the Shell is completely off, and there’s still hard parts of seed stuck between the cotyledon leaves?
I saw this today too and that was the second time in 6mos I saw reference to this "problem."
I'm with you @Kneehigh85 I started smoking at age 15, I'm 57 and I have been a chronic, every two hours type of user my whole life. After 40 yrs of buying whatever street weed that was around and now producing my own (and smoking way more than I used to), I have never known anyone nor have I experienced these symptoms. Fake News, IMO.
It’s gotta be fake news! Fuck the man and his bullshit propaganda!
WTF? I've never run across anyone "suffering" from this.

Heavy marijuana users showing up at the ER 'scromiting' via @MailOnline

never heard of that one, the article didn't sound real authoritative hehe. Haven't seen it in 50 years of being around cannabis. Fake news!
Morning Stoners here's the AFN bong I won here about this time last year
This is what I’m talking about? Buddy of mine is growing and he just came across this in his planter. Asked me and I was baffled I’ve never seen that happen before.
Lol i have seen scromiting. Ask @Mrs-A-Ton

But never from smoking.
Edibles tho. More specific. Way too much butter in the coffee.

Was not my best night lol. Hell of a story that one. For another time.

Off to the ol head shop. Need some supplies. Extracts to be made.
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