@Renaissance Redneck In grasshoppers, there are ganglia in each segment as well as a larger set in the head, which are considered the brain. There is also a neuropile in the center, through which all ganglia channel signals.
actually they have a nervous system like ours,,The nervous system of a grasshopper, like that of a human, can be divided into the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system
@Renaissance Redneck In grasshoppers, there are ganglia in each segment as well as a larger set in the head, which are considered the brain. There is also a neuropile in the center, through which all ganglia channel signals.
actually they have a nervous system like ours,,The nervous system of a grasshopper, like that of a human, can be divided into the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system
My peripheral nerve is fucked because of my cmt and due to that all of my nerves in my extremities are dying, causing me tremors and neurological problems as well.
actually they have a nervous system like ours,,The nervous system of a grasshopper, like that of a human, can be divided into the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system
if we are taking grasshoppers ... the major trigger to swarming is closeness of individuals ... this triggers the migration patterns and this just self-enforces itself ... untill no food around
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