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about to start lollipoppin
Now that my day is finally over!! I wanna say my last few hours of work was amazing Fun!! It's all thanks to AFN✌️ today was a good day I'm extremely Happy to win the Beans!!!!

So thanks to @Ash-a-Ton you Rock Bro ✌️ You made today Fun and it kept my mind off the normal life's drain of work and worries ✌️ also wanna say thank to @Kneehigh85 for get Blistered and taking a well needed stoner Napp, and making this win possible ✌️ and thanks to all that had fun with it!!!! This song is dedicated to AFN . Members and Administration ✌️

Lucky ol Mj got the best of me lol
50 reps for the first one to tag me with the answer:
What are the two divisions of nervous systems of an adult male grasshopper?
For a bonus question, another 50, which system led him to munch on your outdoor grow? :biggrin:
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