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My son decided to come to my house and drink beer out in his car mistake. I have been sober for years. Other than that I had a great extended weekend. The competitions are going strong as a ROOR BONG. It is good to see people voting away. It would always be nice to see more though.
Stumbled across this, damn they sang well together.
Waiting on Rosa to come home, I think we're still a couple of days from our beans breaking soil but just maybe today? :pop:
I'm fighting the urge to start feeling around for the little ladies!
Stumbled across this, damn they sang well together.
Waiting on Rosa to come home, I think we're still a couple of days from our beans breaking soil but just maybe today? :pop:
I'm fighting the urge to start feeling around for the little ladies!

This is my all time favorite ✌️ kinda turns my into a girl for a moment I get all teared up!!
My son decided to come to my house and drink beer out in his car mistake. I have been sober for years. Other than that I had a great extended weekend. The competitions are going strong as a ROOR BONG. It is good to see people voting away. It would always be nice to see more though.
Not good drinking or smoking in a car :peace:
What votes are out there? I'll be on 'em like a duck on a june bug if I missed some :thumbsup::shooty:
Now that my day is finally over!! I wanna say my last few hours of work was amazing Fun!! It's all thanks to AFN✌️ today was a good day I'm extremely Happy to win the Beans!!!!

So thanks to @Ash-a-Ton you Rock Bro ✌️ You made today Fun and it kept my mind off the normal life's drain of work and worries ✌️ also wanna say thank to @Kneehigh85 for get Blistered and taking a well needed stoner Napp, and making this win possible ✌️ and thanks to all that had fun with it!!!! This song is dedicated to AFN . Members and Administration ✌️

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