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I only have a $10 gift card I won. But I need to get a set of 308 winchester reloading dies so I can load up some subsonics.

Ill have to go check I may have a .308 die set. 5.56 and .270 is all I've used in the last few years. I made 50 super hot .223 hornady orange tips for my break over but it got stolen shortly after. No way in hell that I have the balls to fire them in my AR.
i may have 2 more for ya lol ;)
I don't think I can carry to much more.
Just something to fly around out here around the 40 acres just for fun. With the 70% off code I have it would come out to like $40 shipped to me.

Hard to go wrong for that price. Dunno about that model, not familiar with it. Should be good to get 'em started and get a feel for if they need something else. 40 acers would be fun to fly around on.

My brother went overboard and got me a nice Mavic setup last birthday and it's been fun, but I find myself looking for new stuff to do with it to keep me interested. Studying up for the FAA part 107 certification test so that I can legally use one for commercial use and then see if I can maybe book some photo/video gigs.
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