Hey Hey Hey A.F.N. and a good morning to you all .
Big day today I'm going to get my peepee fixed !! Well maybe not fixed but explored to see what's wrong with it other than old age . This all happens at 8.55 a.m. So fire one up for me and if you hear a blood curdling scream at that time you'll know the game is on and you can clutch yourself and thank whoever you thank that it's not you .
I was going to take a video and show it here but thought better of it as there might be some people here that are a little squeamish about things like that !! and who wants to look at a 78 year old dick any how . Hopefully this will all be over by this afternoon and I will able to give you too much information then
Cheers .
Oh yeh I will be doing a little vaping before so I can get the full experience .