Having an @EvilScotsman type of night. Drank some beer, decided to water seedlings. First time using Rhizatonic. Spilling shit everywhere. Having trouble reading PH meter. Think I got it though. Lol
...we get stink bugs here too. Wife and I got tired of them, And started coming up with creative ways to kill them. Stun gun= BIG NO NO. Makes them ooze a neon blue gel that smells like burnt cilantro.
...and the wife tried to electrically neuter me. Shocking experience, to say the least. I think I started getting bass back in my voice a few days later.
As far as I know it will be staying there as it's a fun grow. The mandatory week update pics started today and I'm checking them off the spreadsheet, then it will go to bi-weekly.
...we get stink bugs here too. Wife and I got tired of them, And started coming up with creative ways to kill them. Stun gun= BIG NO NO. Makes them ooze a neon blue gel that smells like burnt cilantro.
...and the wife tried to electrically neuter me. Shocking experience, to say the least. I think I started getting bass back in my voice a few days later.
I have a cat or she has me, not sure which. Until she wandered into my life I had never had an animal in my life. She is like a human without all the bad qualities humans can have. Best friend I have ever had or will ever have.
The South is plagued with lots of insects that were not around till the last decade or two. We lost a huge percentage of remaining old growth hemlocks to the Wooly Adelgid beetle, and most of the 100 year olds in the Smokies are gone too. There's been a huge increase in peach tree borers, and those stink bugs are everywhere.
They are attracted to white south facing buildings.
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