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But that's what all cannabis strains are !!
Exactly hahaha . It is a little more detailed if you have two landrace strains each which produce almost exact copies generation after generation. If you cross those you have a hybrid. If you add other strains to that cross it becomes a polyhybrid .
Or something like that.

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Afternoon @Feenix :bighug: Giggle Juice...:smoker:

You growing this year @Feenix..?

Giggle juice, I haven't had a good weed induced laugh in a long time. Most of the heavy weights I've grown for pain control skip that part.
Was hoping to do some more test growing with y'all. Who is the lead on that?
Guess they mean they don't have landrace or pure strains.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Giggle juice, I haven't had a good weed induced laugh in a long time. Most of the heavy weights I've grown for pain control skip that part.
Was hoping to do some more test growing with y'all. Who is the lead on that?
Giggle juice, I haven't had a good weed induced laugh in a long time. Most of the heavy weights I've grown for pain control skip that part.
Was hoping to do some more test growing with y'all. Who is the lead on that?
I don't think anybody has the lead or I've got my head in the sand again !! :biggrin:
Giggle juice, I haven't had a good weed induced laugh in a long time.

Nick name..:biggrin:..she's a Dragon cross...I named her to remind myself what I was hunting in her...BlackDragon x NL ..Pain Meds..

Most of the heavy weights I've grown for pain control skip that part. know I'm in the same boat with regards Pain Medication is [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Priority..but..they don't have to be Exclusive traits.
You can get crosses with Both..and Laughter is the Best medicine..:hookah:

Was hoping to do some more test growing with y'all. Who is the lead on that?

You are Looking at her....:kiss:

Watch your Alerts for an Invitation...I'll tag you in...
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