New Grower CTb1's DP autoColorado cookies and DP auto mazar journal


Greetings CTb1. Hope those DP's are coming along well for you. My Mazars are growing at least an inch a day @ day (32 ?) . Both 20" today.
(dob 3-28)

I've got some Daquiri Lime beans in the fridge, but they're quite outnumbered by a fat sack of Mephisto freebies and 420 release, so it could be a minute before they get an opportunity. Lol.

Yo, @Renaissance Redneck. :)

"LED lights usually increase the demand for calcium and magnesium.
I use General Organics CaMg+ because it doesn't have nitrogen added (double check first, rumor is that GO was bought out and now contains N). I prefer supplements without added N, you don't always need or want more. "


"Thank you for your interest in our CaMg+ product and I apologize greatly for delayed response. There are many different label regulations across the country and our goal is to be compliant across all 50 states. During this process we have had to make some minor changes to labels and formulas. The CaMg+ product underwent some slight changes, including the use of Magnesium Nitrate, the source of the 1% nitrogen on the label. The product has undergone extensive testing and we do not anticipate any changes in the excellent performance our customers expect from our products."

Just wanted to share, and give genhydro props for customer service. Thanks gh.

I would have preferred the 0-0-0, but I'm going to try the 1-0-0 and see what happens. I feel like I read that a little nitrogen can be good during CaMg adjustments.
Researching that later today.

Plus I'm doing basically water only gbd super soil, so I don't think there's too much potential for conflict/ imbalance.

:vibes: :pass:


Jah Strength

check out my first grow. :)
@massgrass nice looking plants man
looking good CTb1 your cookies looks great for day 17 mine are on day 20 today and only look like your 13 day old lol. do your cookies have a lovely fruity smell when u rub the leaves :pop:
@auto noob No much on the smell department even now.
Looking good..Might want to let up on your N just a little...I hope you get a really good cut of the cookies .One of My fave is GSC and Durban

@DABaracuss yeah you where right about the N got a lil claw going before.
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Thanks for tagging me, I'm subbed :pop: I'm pretty sure it's just me, but your pics look really bright. Maybe my led is getting weak lol I won't even venture to guess what your problem is there. Tag some of the more experienced growers that have already posted for help. Also, :welcome: to the best canna site anywhere!
Thanks for tagging me, I'm subbed :pop: I'm pretty sure it's just me, but your pics look really bright. Maybe my led is getting weak lol I won't even venture to guess what your problem is there. Tag some of the more experienced growers that have already posted for help. Also, :welcome: to the best canna site anywhere!

Thanks alot man. I'm not sure who to tag lol I'm new over here

What'sup everyone sorry this journals been dead but here I'm back with some updates. The Colorado cookies is at day 33 and the mazar is day 29 I have also planted a couple chocolate mint og a photo period plant by Humboldt seed organization. I have no idea why one of them looks the way it does and the other is completely fine.

I also discovered a small bug on the soil so I cut open my tester plant that was in a 2l bottle and in the soil there are a few tiny brownish colored bugs about the size of a . That move pretty fast luckily I caught the problem early . Any idea what that could be ?

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^^^ this is one chocolate mint og exact same environment as her sister but showing this?

@Fairlynew check out the last pic and tell us what do you think this is! :smoking:

What'sup everyone sorry this journals been dead but here I'm back with some updates. The Colorado cookies is at day 33 and the mazar is day 29 I have also planted a couple chocolate mint og a photo period plant by Humboldt seed organization. I have no idea why one of them looks the way it does and the other is completely fine.

I also discovered a small bug on the soil so I cut open my tester plant that was in a 2l bottle and in the soil there are a few tiny brownish colored bugs about the size of a . That move pretty fast luckily I caught the problem early . Any idea what that could be ?

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^^^ this one is chocolate mint og exact same environment as her sister but showing this?
A little discoloration can be caused by genetics it could be mites sucking the life out of the leaf. Keep a close eye on her
I have thoroughly inspected the plants and have seen no spider mites or damages from them at all. They are within the soil I cut a rootball in half and discovered a few. Not very bad at this point at all.

So that discoloration can be caused by genetics? The seed kinda came out like a mutant it was really weird.
Looking good man, I can vouch for them brandless Chinese leds, I'm currently running a 1000w one which is also like you said mostly a red spectrum and too be honest it's grew a better plant than my mars 300 which may be obvious as it is more powerful but my plant under the mars hit some troubles it seems the plants under the mars lights crave more magnesium than they do under the Chinese and I'll be honest I cut all my plants off from calmag as mine had a high nitrogen level and only the plants under the mars lights shown deficiencies, I also think the mars 300s run way too hot for what they are. This is not a dig at mars lights by the way, they are an brilliant light and they certainly do the job and they're reasonably priced.