Dinafem Critical 2.0+ & blue kush sponsored outdoor UK grow.

Nice steady growth mate just what we want to see :pass:

Your a little ahead of me as I'm only around 7 day's in :thumbsup:

Looking good from here my friend :thumbsup:

All the best :bong:

We're certainly getting there now mate :headbang: I've another 2 going at the moment around the same age. Day 9 I think they are. This season so far has pretty much been courtesy of yourself lol I've still got one critical left and a night queen once these 2 are out the propagator.
Now then guys n girls, I've 2 updates rolled into 1 here as I forgot to update this thread along with the others last time lol stoner mind and too much to think about Haha

Been a good couple of weeks growth once again.
Here you go :pass:
..........update 1. A few days ago..........
^critical. Day 26 I think
^blue kush. Day 26 again I think. Both were put in the ground a day or two before the pics.
^blue kush day 48
^critical day 48
^critical + blue kush runts..also the next 2

......update 2..........just now......
^blue kush day 51
^critical day 51
^blue kush + critical days 8
^left/right.......critical, blue kush, critical, blue kush......back 2 are the runts put in today.....if they die......they die lol.

Cheers guys
Now then guys n girls, I've 2 updates rolled into 1 here as I forgot to update this thread along with the others last time lol stoner mind and too much to think about Haha

Been a good couple of weeks growth once again.
Here you go :pass:
..........update 1. A few days ago..........View attachment 1068247 ^critical. Day 26 I thinkView attachment 1068248 ^blue kush. Day 26 again I think. Both were put in the ground a day or two before the pics.View attachment 1068249 ^blue kush day 48View attachment 1068250^critical day 48 View attachment 1068251 ^critical + blue kush runts..also the next 2View attachment 1068252
......update 2..........just now......View attachment 1068253 ^blue kush day 51View attachment 1068254 ^critical day 51View attachment 1068255 ^blue kush + critical days 8View attachment 1068256 ^left/right.......critical, blue kush, critical, blue kush......back 2 are the runts put in today.....if they die......they die lol.

Cheers guys

They look super happy and loving life :thumbsup:

Nice update mate, keep them coming :pass:

All the best :bong:

They look super happy and loving life :thumbsup:

Nice update mate, keep them coming :pass:

All the best :bong:

Cheers mate :pass:
We've not had a great spell of weather this year so far but they're all taking it in their stride.
The oldest 2...blue kush & critical have been hiding away from the weather in the shed under lights while its bad as they're doing great and don't wanna spoil them.
Next 2 will be in the bed in a week or two I should think then I have space for 3 more in there I reckon....
I'm hoping for the weather to change and really get growing :growing:

Cheers mate
Picture time again guys n girls :goauto:
We've had terrible weather this past fortnight, growth is nowhere near what it was this time last year but the show must to on and all in all things look healthy so I can't complain really. Weathers looking up over the next week or so too, so should be ok.....
^blue kush [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] and critical [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] both days 19. Out this morning.
^critical & blue kush. Both day 60 something I think. They've been indoors over the last week or so if I'm honest as I need some guaranteed smoke somewhere lol.
^the greenhouse looking ok, nowhere near last year at this time but I'm happy enough with em. These are days 40 something I think. I'm not near my calendar to check at the mo lol.

Cheers guys
Picture time again guys n girls :goauto:
We've had terrible weather this past fortnight, growth is nowhere near what it was this time last year but the show must to on and all in all things look healthy so I can't complain really. Weathers looking up over the next week or so too, so should be ok.....
^blue kush [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] and critical [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] both days 19. Out this morning.
^critical & blue kush. Both day 60 something I think. They've been indoors over the last week or so if I'm honest as I need some guaranteed smoke somewhere lol.
^the greenhouse looking ok, nowhere near last year at this time but I'm happy enough with em. These are days 40 something I think. I'm not near my calendar to check at the mo lol.

Cheers guys

Same here buddy the weather has been terrible, nothing like last years crazy summer this one reminds me of 2017 one of my worst outdoor seasons ever.

With that said you battling away against mother nature and so far your winning :thumbsup:

Nice update mate, keep them coming :pass:

All the best :bong:
