Dinafem Dinafem Blue Widow and Critical + 2.0 photos outdoors

Blue widow forming well despite horrid weather...saw frost 3 times now, and the rain has be consistant over the last couple of weeks(5 of every 7 days its been rain) No issues on the widow...found no mold at all so far
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Are you sure that's a plant brother? Looks more like a HUGE bush :pass:

By the look of things our Blue Widow looks perfectly suited for your climate and thank you for doing a video for our Critical+ 2.0. Considering the thieves took all the big top buds the remaining plant still looks like she will yield well :thumbsup:

Not long left in the season now. Do you have a harvest date in mind my friend?

All the best

Are you sure that's a plant brother? Looks more like a HUGE bush :pass:

By the look of things our Blue Widow looks perfectly suited for your climate and thank you for doing a video for our Critical+ 2.0. Considering the thieves took all the big top buds the remaining plant still looks like she will yield well :thumbsup:

Not long left in the season now. Do you have a harvest date in mind my friend?

All the best


Due to all of the horrid weather at the end of the season(the final 4 weeks), unfortunately much of the blue widow fell to the dreaded mold. I did pull some really stunning bud though!! Soon i will get the video done and uploaded. Beautiful plant!! If she would have preflowered 3 weeks earlier i would definitely grow again.



Due to all of the horrid weather at the end of the season(the final 4 weeks), unfortunately much of the blue widow fell to the dreaded mold. I did pull some really stunning bud though!! Soon i will get the video done and uploaded. Beautiful plant!! If she would have preflowered 3 weeks earlier i would definitely grow again.

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Sorry to hear that you got hit with mold brother. 1 of those perils of outdoor growing. I think for your climate you need a strain that is faster to enter bloom.

Maybe next year try our newer Quick Critical or Quick Kush?

These should enter pre flower sooner and finish 10-15% faster :pass:

Just a thought for next season brother :thumbsup:

Will look out for some dry bud shots when the time is right. I can imagine you are quite busy this time of year :bong:

All the best

Sorry to hear that you got hit with mold brother. 1 of those perils of outdoor growing.

Yes absolutely...just a tough season for us...lots of rain and cold for the last 4 weeks caused troubles this year!! Usually the weather isn't as bad as it was this year.

Absolutely fantastic bud on the blue widow!! Sure i scrapped a bunch to mold, but pulled a decent yield too!



I was thinking of rerunning the critical + 2.0. It finished within my time frame for sure, and i quite like the toke as well. Will get a dry bud pic of her asap. You figure quick critical would be 10-15% quicker than the critical + 2.0? How is the toke on that one versus the crit+ ?