Nutrients Cream Mandarine XL, Biotabs & Coco with COBs

She’s looking lush mate. Really healthy and look at the stance on her leaves! They couldn’t get any more stretched out. Awesome little solar panels locked into the cob light [emoji3]
Yeah I'm well happy with the lights dude. I'm loving the fact I can give each plant there own one too.
Day 30

Light is now back to 60cm above her. I'm sure it's just light stress. At least I hope it is.

She's doing okay though and I did a bit of LST work to her this morning.

Also sprayed with Boom Boom for the last time I think. She's spitting pistils out nicely now.

How she looks -

Twisted leaf -

Slight yellowing -

Dunno if you can see that properly or not though.

After her bondage sesh [emoji57]