Live Stoner Chat corona virus

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Ok... since the CDC just released a late report and I'm going to cut and paste a bit of it below...

*adjust my tinfoil hat*


Corona mostly kills age 50+ right ?

Here is what the CDC just released about the regular plain yearly flu pertaining to the 0-49 age group :

"Laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rates for the overall U.S. population remain moderate compared to recent seasons, but rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are now the highest CDC has on record for these age groups"

So.... regular 0-49... Corona 50+

Am I the only one with a weird gut feeling that something here isn't a natural occurrence ???

*removes tinfoil hat*
some ones up to something they could do what every they liked at mo no 1 to see it and it defo man made I would say maybe its a way to kill of all the old Nazis lol
Well hype or not, it has already screwed with our family & none of us even have the virus yet.

My wife, nephew and three close friends all lost their jobs yesterday due to corona 'related' issues.
sorry dude
Ok... since the CDC just released a late report and I'm going to cut and paste a bit of it below...

*adjust my tinfoil hat*


Corona mostly kills age 50+ right ?

Here is what the CDC just released about the regular plain yearly flu pertaining to the 0-49 age group :

"Laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rates for the overall U.S. population remain moderate compared to recent seasons, but rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are now the highest CDC has on record for these age groups"

So.... regular 0-49... Corona 50+

Am I the only one with a weird gut feeling that something here isn't a natural occurrence ???

*removes tinfoil hat*
NO, nothing natural about any of it. Global liberalism will do anything to stop Trump from tearing down their global corruption ring!
So many facets to this covert global exercise.
@Nelly Nugs for Prime Minister...:pass:..I'd Vote for you.

I know I could go longer without toilet rolls than without me Weed...:pass:

Lets get Proactive....and Fight the bugger....:doc3:..grow our own natural meds

Toilet paper Smoilet paper thats what your shower is for, I'm buying up all the vingegar and lime at my grocery store. And yes count my vote Prime Minister Nelly Nugs.
Agreed, i stress too much without world disease! Gotta keep positive and hope for the best! Already learned what i need to do. No more payig close attention to 6pm news... ignore til weather! Now its programmed into my brain! Lol!
Just to add gas to the fire, You mean Wuhan ,China where Grand Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Holdings facility is, oops shouldn't have dropped that test tube.
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