Live Stoner Chat corona virus

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The usa, election year 2020. corona virus has been around for many years... just this time its spread a little quicker than it has in the past. Pretty sure my lysol can from two yrs ago has corona virus on it...

Covid-19 is the specific strain, discovered in 2019 in Wuhan, China.
My ER doc step brother said he thinks cannabis might be preventative medicine. I’ll jump in that! Oh, and thanks for getting me back in. Lost without AFN!!
Well I have no worries then I smoke a TON :pass::rofl::LOLStoned:
As was already posted this Corona virus is new compared to past corona viruses.

The US media always hypes them up in election years. And it's awful funny how world wide media seems to follow suit in many instances.

Perfect example is the 2009 one... whatever it was called... some version of swine flue or some version of the bird flu... to be honest I don't remember because I have been through so many I cant remember them all.

Anyway... the one in 2009 was barely even mentioned, no emergency was declared, no panic let alone a huge panic, and it killed far more just in the US than corona has so far in the entire world....

Take a Look at the regular US flu that hits here every year... (google it)

As of 01/01/2020 to today this new Corona has now killed about 100 in the US

As of 01/01/2020 to today the regular flu has killed almost 23,000 in the US

The regular flu averages something like 56,000 dead here every year... I think peak is around 70K and low is around 30K per year if I remember right... but average is around 56K... like I said, Google that one and see for yourself.
As was already posted this Corona virus is new compared to past corona viruses.

The US media always hypes them up in election years. And it's awful funny how world wide media seems to follow suit in many instances.

Perfect example is the 2009 one... whatever it was called... some version of swine flue or some version of the bird flu... to be honest I don't remember because I have been through so many I cant remember them all.

Anyway... the one in 2009 was barely even mentioned, no emergency was declared, no panic let alone a huge panic, and it killed far more just in the US than corona has so far in the entire world....

Take a Look at the regular US flu that hits here every year... (google it)

As of 01/01/2020 to today this new Corona has now killed about 100 in the US

As of 01/01/2020 to today the regular flu has killed almost 23,000 in the US

The regular flu averages something like 56,000 dead here every year... I think peak is around 70K and low is around 30K per year if I remember right... but average is around 56K... like I said, Google that one and see for yourself.

mmm, he duz raize a point there kidz...jus sayin... ;) ppp
Ok... since the CDC just released a late report and I'm going to cut and paste a bit of it below...

*adjust my tinfoil hat*


Corona mostly kills age 50+ right ?

Here is what the CDC just released about the regular plain yearly flu pertaining to the 0-49 age group :

"Laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalization rates for the overall U.S. population remain moderate compared to recent seasons, but rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are now the highest CDC has on record for these age groups"

So.... regular 0-49... Corona 50+

Am I the only one with a weird gut feeling that something here isn't a natural occurrence ???

*removes tinfoil hat*
A number of theories have crossed my mind. But the truth is, it is spreading quickly. My boss told me to work from home because I am 60 years old. I am a health care worker, and I can only offer services by phone and online. the trick will be to work and not lay around getting stoned...
Had a laugh at this one:

"Just gonna lock myself in and punch some cones for a few days," he said.

Not sure if the expression is the same elsewhere, but Down Under "punch cones" means smoke bong hits.
A number of theories have crossed my mind. But the truth is, it is spreading quickly. My boss told me to work from home because I am 60 years old. I am a health care worker, and I can only offer services by phone and online. the trick will be to work and not lay around getting stoned...

I'm 69, lived a full fun life and am nearing the finish line with an empty tank just as I had wished... I'm from a Military / Medical professionals family.

Spreading so fast... ahhhh yes...

methods of dispersion... duration of dispersion... consistent recovery plateau... consistent decline (of 1%)... rates per age... rates per race... rates per sex... location of patients 0 - 100... location of initial outbreak...

And if you recently saw, rates per birth...

I see so many anomalies

But then again... I'm heavily medicated

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