compost advice

May 12, 2013
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I made a batch of super soil and it's brewing in a big drum like container (50 gal) and the only opening is about a 12" hole at the top. Should I drill holes around the bottom for better aeration? Should I put a lid on it or leave it out even when it rains? This it's my first compost ever so any tips would be appreciated. Thank you
I made a batch of super soil and it's brewing in a big drum like container (50 gal) and the only opening is about a 12" hole at the top. Should I drill holes around the bottom for better aeration? Should I put a lid on it or leave it out even when it rains? This it's my first compost ever so any tips would be appreciated. Thank you​
If it were mine, it would be very well aerated, from top to bottom... lid off, EXCEPT when it rains. :peace:
If you have the place to do it outdoors, it would do better to place your mix on a tarp and turn it good once a week (IMHO). Keeping moist. And cover it when it rains.

It needs all the air it can get while it's cooking.
This is the same for all compost.:thumbs:

Will it take a lot longer sitting a barrel? I don't have a long time as I live in Ohio and summers aren't long and sunny so I need this to brew fast as possible if tarp method would work significantly better then ill do it otherwise id rather leave it in a barrel
anaerobic compostation is possible too, but it takes about the same amount of time. However those fungi and bacteria are significantly different and need time to grow a culture. If you change your working ways from one day to the other, you will probably slow the proces down. Don't forget though, that your organic material will decompose further when you're using it in the soil. I like to mix in about 1/5 of raw uncomposted material just to add some life to the soil. Worms and fungi love something to feast on. Who in turn add nutes troughout the growing season by processing the raw material. This way I have to feed way less organic nutes in a later stage.
Yea but then that just adds more nutrients to my super soil would that burn my girls?
would that burn my girls?
No... Composted material, before adding anything to it, is very safe to add.
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Well I was going to order this soil saver compost from Amazon it's only $85 dollars with shipping and looks pretty nice plus it has a high rating. But I was going to just start adding scraps and what not straight to my dirt once I got that container. Is that not a good idea? I don't really want to try and make to separate composts...

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If you have a Home Depot anywhere near, you can get a larger one for less money. I have one I got there that is similar. Heck, for that kind of money, I thing you can get a tumbler, which is a composter that serves also as a "mixer" for after adding amendments. :peace:
Yea I seen some tumblers but none that cheap and I've checked out my local hardware stores they got nothing good. That compost is pretty nice I think it said self watering? Not sure how that works though.