Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

The more the marrier! Got one seed germinating. A fourth pot getting ready to drop a bean in the morning and stuff four in this tent again. Leaves me room for error I guess as I am a noob still. But have a gray baking here at AFN so keys do this. Will have something special for my next grow I think. ..
My two day old babies. .....
OK folks so I just got served child support papers so looks like I need to get my finances up. Buying a 4x4 tent tonight and packing it full when the seeds get here I order tomorrow. Get some money put aside I guess. Will b buying some California snow and something else I guess. Get stuff rolling harder I guess. Wish me luck everyone as life just got harder with s baby on the way and a new house payment too. Sorry about the language but fuck.
Thanks @slopoke . Just some small hurdles in life. I will prevail lol

Woke up to a third sprout above ground today. The one replacing the sprout I killed. Next bean should pop sometime tomorrow and I'm heading over to my brothers so we can do a seed order and I can show him how to grow autos @A4 he wants to learn from me now haha. Ordering some California snow to throw in with these AxT/auto triangle kush. Haven't seen anyone run that strain yet on here.