OK so I did some digging and spotted a stem to a sprout so I stopped and lightly filled it back in. Hoping tomorrow morning I'll have something! I'm 5 hours away from 72 hours with nothing above soil yet. Lesson learned. Take longer preparing my soil next time. Maybe run 2 liters of straight RO water, let sit for 24 hours uncovered at room temp than after 24 hours water a liter of feed each. Going to have to dial this in some how as I refuse to change my planting of the bean directly into the soil. I like this method and I think the plants do too I will get in touch with @Fairlynew during my next germination to get a step by step of the bottle dome method he and a few others use. I should have used more water to prepare the sunshine mix but we are where we are now and after some heavy misting today I think moisture content is in range and I should have action in next 24 hours. Might have planted too deep too lol ohwell if all else fails I'll just start over with me 2 remaining beans and I'm sure one of these should pop. Or I'll order more! Lol need to do that any who. Sorry about delays, @MeefChief here is a photo to get you started with though lol