Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

OK so I did some digging and spotted a stem to a sprout so I stopped and lightly filled it back in. Hoping tomorrow morning I'll have something! I'm 5 hours away from 72 hours with nothing above soil yet. Lesson learned. Take longer preparing my soil next time. Maybe run 2 liters of straight RO water, let sit for 24 hours uncovered at room temp than after 24 hours water a liter of feed each. Going to have to dial this in some how as I refuse to change my planting of the bean directly into the soil. I like this method and I think the plants do too :vibe: I will get in touch with @Fairlynew during my next germination to get a step by step of the bottle dome method he and a few others use. I should have used more water to prepare the sunshine mix but we are where we are now and after some heavy misting today I think moisture content is in range and I should have action in next 24 hours. Might have planted too deep too :shrug: lol ohwell if all else fails I'll just start over with me 2 remaining beans and I'm sure one of these should pop. Or I'll order more! Lol need to do that any who. Sorry about delays, @MeefChief here is a photo to get you started with though lol


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My space we'll be 10x10x7
dude in so sorry. ...I must have been medicated and drinking when I responded to that question, I'm so sorry. I just threw 10 and 10 together and came up with 20 square feet :face: when we all know it's 100 square lol OK lots to talk about with that kind of space my friend. Lots of variables. Gosh I don't know where to start. Could you PM a list of your whole setup and everything you will b using. With that kind of space is important all aspects of your grow are correct if you plan to use it all? Light coverage, air flow, Temps, rh strains, pots sizes...just so much lol is love to help if I can though and sorry about the very very poor guidance:sad::condom:
OK so I'm an idiot and went digging for the third sprout and beheaded it lmao. So I dropped another bean after removing the tap root and decided screw it. What's one more going to hurt so I'm getting my soil ready real good this time and dropping a 4th bean and pot in the tent since they are all different days now anyway lol. So life goes on. I'll b ordering seeds this weekend after I make selections. Next grow after this will b epic when I double my tent size and experience lol.
Trying my best. Just hoping I can get some good results after switching everything I had good results with. But I want better product and purchased the things to do it lol