Coffee Monster
Sole Survivor
The cal mag (mag ?) def seemed to get worse the first 24 hours but now seems to have stopped progressing. Still seems to have mainly only hit Auto Blues. I ordered an Accurate 8 meter, figured sooner or later @Waira would insist! lol I also ordered a bottle of Overgrow to try. The girls seem a little slow right now, the oldest two are going on 60 days but look like they still have at least a week or two to go... Some yellowing of lower fan leaves on all the older girls, hoping it's tied into end of life rather then the deficiency.
24 Carat, going on 8 weeks
Auto Blues, going on 8 weeks
Auto Blues, most affected leaf
Blue Cush, about 6 weeks
Grape Crinkle, about 7 weeks
Baby SODK, about a week
Baby Hubbabubba, less than a week
24 Carat, going on 8 weeks
Auto Blues, going on 8 weeks
Auto Blues, most affected leaf
Blue Cush, about 6 weeks
Grape Crinkle, about 7 weeks
Baby SODK, about a week
Baby Hubbabubba, less than a week