Mephisto Genetics Coffee Monster brews some Mephisto with an Amare SolarPRO 400

The cal mag (mag ?) def seemed to get worse the first 24 hours but now seems to have stopped progressing. Still seems to have mainly only hit Auto Blues. I ordered an Accurate 8 meter, figured sooner or later @Waira would insist! lol I also ordered a bottle of Overgrow to try. The girls seem a little slow right now, the oldest two are going on 60 days but look like they still have at least a week or two to go... Some yellowing of lower fan leaves on all the older girls, hoping it's tied into end of life rather then the deficiency.

24 Carat, going on 8 weeks

Auto Blues, going on 8 weeks

Auto Blues, most affected leaf

Blue Cush, about 6 weeks

Grape Crinkle, about 7 weeks

Baby SODK, about a week

Baby Hubbabubba, less than a week
Update time!

The girls are gettin stinky! The last three or four days we've had a bit of a reek going on, I think 24 Carat may be the main culprit.

The finish line's in sight! The four older girls are all sucking the juice out of some of their fan leaves and the oldest three all have a number of orange pistils (?.)

24 Carat

Auto Blues

Auto Blues bud porn

Grape Crinkle

Blue Crack... oops I meant Cush lol
Think I may have let her get a bit dry, all the older girls got some water with cal mag and kelp today

Baby SODK, I'm a proud poppa!

Baby Hubbabubba, bit worried about her... I hear Hubba's are nute sensitive and she seems to be finding the soil a bit hot??
She's a darker green with some spotting on one of her leafs, lower leaf in picture, the picture doesn't show it as clearly as I'd like I'm afraid

How long do you guys think for the three oldest?
I'm thinking a week or two hopefully.
Very pleased to see Mephisto's stated times are at least close (compared to other breeders.)
Big Update

24 Carat - about week 9, to meet the chop soon

Auto Blues - about week 9, sugar leaves starting to die out, I think she's overdue?

So I took her down post haste - 88 grams wet so I'm thinking maybe 3/4 zip

Two things I don't understand, @Ripper can you or anyone else enlighten me?

First is I found these under a number of the buds - male bits??

Second is there were several buds that had a yellowish firm moist area where they had been pressed tight against another bud - I think they're ok???
And here's Grape Crinkle at week eight-ish, think she's due to come down shortly too

And Blue Cush at week 7-ish, I nuked her a little with a higher then I should have dose of bloom nutes

Baby SODK, loving life and the Amare...

And baby Hubbabubba still seems unhappy...

Please hit me with your thoughts and suggestions, I'm most concerned at the moment with my two questions about my Auto Blues harvest, thanks!
Hey there @Coffee Monster let me tell you something kinds crazy. I went through the exact same thing your experiencing. My first 2 crops of hubbabubba were fine but my last 2 did the same thing your seeing. Recently I dropped 9 hubbabubba while my flower crop was around day 40. They came up like that or worse. After day 10 I pulled them and planted 9 more. The 9 new ones did the same exact thing and even the 6 I started last week did it too. I am in promix and perlite which is completely bare when it comes to nutrients.

They all look great and exactly like the they should. My perpetual is now 3 weeks off schedule too. The variations in seedlings is driving me crazy.