Lighting info, questions and answers

Spz has 6 and from seeing his tent I think I want 9. I'm also not necessarily doing auto's. Although I think this with be a part of my next phase. I often end up with 6ft ladies. Unless there is a different combo of lighting to be suggested.

The good thing is you can adjust the lights if you plan to change between autos and photos. 9 would be way to much for autos but would probably do very well with photos.
Hey thanks for the shout out!

Here is six clones with four COB pendants. They are Cobshop's almost dones with a meanwell driver.


I took a screen shot of one of our own @wwwillie he always takes nice pictures. Basically one cob per plant. With reflective walls and additional lighting from the other cobs it should cover real well and meet your plants needs.View attachment 806785
Thanks Big
Looks wonderful.
Would light output overlapping cause problems ?
I don't think so. Being able to adjust them separately will help as you can move each one as suits the need at the moment. That was the thing I liked the most about the pendants.
I don't think so. Being able to adjust them separately will help as you can move each one as suits the need at the moment. That was the thing I liked the most about the pendants.
Right on ... Makes sense .
Maybe if the lights get to close.
Absolutely. Energy doesn't grow on trees and it keeps increasing. Going with a quality cob in the first place helps. Making an effort to add and remove wattage is very beneficial as well. @pop22 and I spoke recently about the changes we both made and how it impacted our operating costs. I recently cut my bill down 150-200 a month in a larger op by doing things better. Heck I took out a 450 watt light in one spot and added 2 autocobs and my plants haven't been bigger. The motivation for cobs is the return. A 135 dollar silent light that delivers more photons, doesn't need bulb changes and will last 10 years is an easy decision. In my eyes atleast.
I'm a believer that's why I have 4 and probably another 4 down the road and convert my vispar over to cobs. The white light is so much nicer to be around.
Isn't that the truth. I do not miss blurple or HPS. Metal halide was OK but these COBs are just so nice to work around.