Lighting info, questions and answers

My blurple is still hangin cause it's just easier to leave it while this batch is finishing up. It's right up close to the ceiling and the plants r just low enough not to get totally burned. Once they get chopped that thing is coming down and I will have 4 autocobs hangin in its place. I added one autocob for my bluetoof and to test one out.
except when you stand up and smack one a those sharp edges LOL slooow lol stand slow lol
Oh no it's when your bent over and reaching way back into the tent and you smell burning hair...
havent had that. i stay pretty low but ding and burn the back of the melon lol plus I got little hair lol
Amen to that. I'm like what's that smell?? Oh, shit, that's my hair!! I say as I bang my head on the one next to me trying to get out of my tent . Yup the only down side so far as I can tell. Love, love, love these things.
Hey @BigSm0 how do I get a cob badge. Do I need to have a completed journal using cobs. I was thinking about starting one for my blue toof. She's under a cob with a few colas from another plant hangin around fattening up.
I think @Rebel will be able to get you a badge.