Lighting info, questions and answers

Been working on that yellowing and tip burning. It seems to be in the feed. I have been pushing these girls hard with teas and beneficial microbes and such but not using ANY salt based nutrients. It’s crazy but I almost can’t feed some of them enough.

Lights 21” away here in tent Mephisto.


18” in clone land.



Here’s a distance shot so you can see the position of the lights.

My blurple is still hangin cause it's just easier to leave it while this batch is finishing up. It's right up close to the ceiling and the plants r just low enough not to get totally burned. Once they get chopped that thing is coming down and I will have 4 autocobs hangin in its place. I added one autocob for my bluetoof and to test one out.

That's where I'm at with my Mars 320... Its as high as I can put it and my plants are small... Not feeling it anymore... Can't wait to go cob!

Got your badge coming Mizzou!
And i absolutely know I won't! Built with integrity and the performance speaks for itself! It won't be long til I'm a CobSnob myself!!
We are going to start holding snob classes for the newcomers. It’s all about high you hold your nose when you take selfies with the cobs. :thumbsup:
Got the badge. Thanks. Currently harvesting the plants holding me up from making the official complete switch to the cobs. Once that happens I can take apart my vipar spectra and convert. Gotta share a pic of the current take. The smaller one was a dried smaller sample taken. Big one was one of many. The biggest will come down later.
Been working on that yellowing and tip burning. It seems to be in the feed. I have been pushing these girls hard with teas and beneficial microbes and such but not using ANY salt based nutrients. It’s crazy but I almost can’t feed some of them enough.

Lights 21” away here in tent Mephisto.


18” in clone land.



Here’s a distance shot so you can see the position of the lights.

Immmmmm like super jealous right now lol man your garden looks amazing that's what I call kicking ass and taking names

I can't wait to hang my first cob no matter how many watts with the blurples just doesn't cut it those 2 tents I'm guessing total of 400 watts

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