Cobs or Canary anyone

Seemed to me it had another scent on top of it's own and I almost had a name for it but I forget now lol. Like it had already gone through some change. This is some pretty loud bud:biggrin:, smells good
It will only get better,for sure.The process is like making fine wine ,only with pot.LOL Man you need to post your cob box i would like to see your setup.You got a really good sweat going.That part is very important in the process.The rest is happening in the vac bag.I usually just leave them in a drawer and forget about till a month or two later,after the two week check.At that point you will get a good ideal on the finish product.But don,t judge until a couple months in the are on your way.Thanks for sharing your journey.Peace please
I'm watching this one.
Give it a try brother.LOL Peace please
Give it a try brother.LOL Peace pleaseView attachment 978405
I may, on a future date. We're in the holiday season, So money and time are in short supply.

I'm curious, What's the difference in taste and effect when smoked, in comparison to regular, jar cured bud?
I may, on a future date. We're in the holiday season, So money and time are in short supply.

I'm curious, What's the difference in taste and effect when smoked, in comparison to regular, jar cured bud?
The taste depends on the strain,effect is stronger and lasts way longer.I usually eat all my meds so i don,t smoke at all.I would not eat anything that was not grown organic..All my setup are things i had at the house,J made his own,do to the fact he is several hours to the nearest store.LOLI eat jarred cured buds also.The longer the cure the better on any cured buds of any type.Try this process and share your thoughts.This thread is a learning process for all of us.There is a lot of ways to do the same thing and come up with the same results.Join us for the journey brother.Peace please
Here's my fancy sweat box lol. There's a lizard pad on the bottom and a thermometer probe.I used several layers of towels and foil, changing them around until it held at the right temperature before I put the buds in.View attachment 978407 View attachment 978406
That is awesome man.Thats Alaskan ingenuity at its best.We will have to compare notes and invent a cob cab. Peace please
This is just too cool! Thanks for sharing with us. Do they have to be vacuum sealed? I will be following along for the ride and hope to try this soon
Yes Its best to avoid mold.Once they are dry enough you can store per usual.The original Malawi is done differently.This is just kind of shortcut,but with different twist.When you keep them sealed for a few months you will have something special.Come along for the ride man.We will all teach each other and learn from our mistakes.Peace please
Yes Its best to avoid mold.Once they are dry enough you can store per usual.The original Malawi is done differently.This is just kind of shortcut,but with different twist.When you keep them sealed for a few months you will have something special.Come along for the ride man.We will all teach each other and learn from our mistakes.Peace please
I love aged weed! And I dont mind chewing on a bud either. I will have a find a vacuum sealer and give this a try.