Lighting Cobkits Light Engines!

Last night I wired them up temporary just to check them. This is them fully dimmed...........

light engines pic1 -11-30-2016.jpg
My dilemma now is how to hang them.............

What's up @pop22 hadn't seen this thread yet. Looks good, the AFN light here would have come complete ready to hang but we need to get you going with what you have.

To hang it the first thing that pops into my mind looking at your heat sinks, would be 80/20 framing. I wonder if the inserts used to tighten stuff in place on the 80/20 frame would work in your heatsink. If it did you could just make a small square frame and have a locking insert on each side of the light engine. This "should" also in theory add some passive cooling help as the 80/20 and the sink would now physically be tied in together. It might not work but it's what first pops into my mind. Worth looking into?
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Yes that was my first though. I'm thinking more though of getting some .0625 rod and bend a hanger from them. I'm looking at keeping everything as light as possible. Drivers will be remote as that is my preferred method.

What's up @pop22 hadn't seen this thread yet. Looks good, the AFN light here would have come complete ready to hang but we need to get you going with what you have.

To hang it the first thing that pops into my mind looking at your heat sinks, would be 80/20 framing. I wonder if the inserts used to tighten stuff in place on the 80/20 frame would work in your heatsink. If it did you could just make a small square frame and have a locking insert on each side of the light engine. This "should" also in theory add some passive cooling help as the 80/20 and the sink would not physically be tied in together. It might not work but it's what first pops into my mind. Worth looking into?
@pop22, you are a consumate cob salesman. I was looking on the web and found 1212's on ebay for $10 a pop shipped. Think I will pick one up and mount it to one of the heat sinks I have around here. I can hook it to an existing driver I already have and just retire the chinese cob until another driver comes in. I am broke but that is hard to pass on so off we go. :biggrin:
Go for it! Even adding one to what your running now will give you a nice boost!

@pop22, you are a consumate cob salesman. I was looking on the web and found 1212's on ebay for $10 a pop shipped. Think I will pick one up and mount it to one of the heat sinks I have around here. I can hook it to an existing driver I already have and just retire the chinese cob until another driver comes in. I am broke but that is hard to pass on so off we go. :biggrin:
you'll need! This is a medium size strain:

Fruit Test Grow -all plants -11-27-2016.jpg

That is a nice clean install. At some point I will settle into what my grow will be and that will be my goal. I like the idea of having everything possible outside the tent to maximize the space inside.