Indoor Chronic Ryder day 25

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just looking for feed back on how to increase yield on these auto's. I am going with a taller pot on my second grow but is there anything else i can do?


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well mine are large theres not much i can say i put it down to good light large pots (mine are 2g) good complete feed (fish mix) and lots of light, and letting them get on with it
mine are at 9.5 weeks and there got to be 2+oz a plant under the hps
lookin good bro they will get alot bigger my CR i grew 5 months ago one of my favorite smokes
Yea everything going good so far guess i should wait for my actual yield before worry about increasing it lol... thanks for the feedback
I also noticed today my soil PH has been around 7.6 so i lowered it a little today with a ph down... can high PH Levels stunt growth? my PH has been high but the plants are green and lush?
was that the ph reading from the runoff? your soil should buffer it to neutral ph if it has compost and or dolomite lime in it. if not just sprinkle a 1/4 cup of dolomite lime on top of your soil before watering and the same next watering then you shouldnt have to worry about ph.

and regarding getting a better yield if your enviroment is good then concentrate more on whats going on below the soil because thats what will make the difference between getting 10g and 3oz per plant, start with a good organic compost with added soil, lime and worm castings if possible, i use molasses and pk13/14 for bloom as my soil has enough feed to last them a good 3-4 weeks in veg , i might add some N if i notice a deficency also what size are your pots? im using 11 litre (2 n a 1/2 gal) and my girls are loving it, day 32 and my onyx was well over 2ft closer to 3ft before i tied it down got 2 onyxs, a la bella afrodita and an auto mazar (all recomended:thumbs:). hoping for a decent yeild in the next 5 weeks.:bong: anyway sorry 4 ramling as you probly know most if not all of what i said but there will be someone that will learn

:peace: pipez
No. it was the PH on a soil "slurry" i have a cheap PH meter. but it was reading correctly in line with my ph test strips. I watered with about 6.0 ph corrected water and now its reading a hair over 7. plants really shoot up all day i'll send a pic later. thanks for the info its very useful. All the guy at my hydro store did was try to talk my autoflowers and knew nothing and only cared about controlling budding ...sheesh! I am a stoner i just want personal stash the easiest way! (off my soap box)

Really happy with the plants reaction.

I really have to take pics upright on iphone sorry... but that is 8 hours of growth after adjusting my FF/OF 50/50 mix from 7.8 to 70


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sound m8, if your plants are growing nicely i wouldnt worry about ph in soil (its a must for hydro) it will sort itself out unless you add loads of ph up or down or somthing similar, i have yet to check my ph (33 days in) and all is looking lush atm. i reckon the more you worry and try and change things, the more likely somthing will go wrong.

keep it simple to keep it green:D. your plant is looking sweet any way.

dont pay much attention to growshop employees as most of them are trying to sell you stuff you wont really need and they think they know best cause they work there, most of em have never smoked good bud never mind grown it:smokeit:

:peace: pipez
my pics would say lowering my PH made lush plants explode ... it was 6 hour of growth my plant was begging to lower PH they are even bigger today! just my experiance
lookin nice bro

i cant wait to see her buds cause they smell like fejoa