Mephisto Genetics Chemdogging x Tyrone Stomper Auto Regs Grow

Day 40:

-The big girl in the 2 gal is starting to take off.

-The male is starting to put out pollen sacks. The node spacing is super tight. I think the final structure will end up being like one solid cola. The branching is short and tight as well. You can't even see the branches underneath the fan leaves. I think he will flower fast.

-The female in the one gal is now a f/m. I've been playing with sts spray for the last 10 days or so. Thats why she looks a little beat up. But as you can see, she's growing well in a gal pot. Her pistils are dying off and the production of them has slowed. Seems like the sts is working.

I culled the clones because I needed the solo cup space for my reg run.

Anywhoooo.. Pics...

The Male

The Female/Male

The keeper big girl

The Fam-O-Lee
Day 48:

For some reason the male (on the left) hasn't started flowing yet. Its acting like a photo period. It's shown sex, but no pollen sacs. Im going to give it another two weeks or so. The back up m/f (on the right) is starting to flower and has pollen sacs on plenty of bud sites. Glad I had a backup plan. Hahaa.

The big girl that I will flower out untouched, is thriving. Couldn't get better structure if you drew a picture of it!
Day 58:

The big girl is flourishing.. Can't complain one bit. She's a frost beast already. And to catch you up, she's just starting to make flowers on day 58 because she spent her first 4-5 weeks of life in a one gal pot and was transplanted prior to preflower. So shes been slowed up, but made up for it by how much she grew.

The male never flowered and was culled.

The he/she is now dropping pollen though, so plan b it is!
Start of week 9.. DAY 63...

This is where we are now! The lone big girl of the chem-stomper strain. She's gonna go a few more weeks due to the transplant that was done about a month ago. She's gonna be a heavy yielder, and I only used a 2 gal pot! She's super frosty and her structure is perfect. I may have to stake a few of the lowers that are starting to fall over a bit. She's just starting to stack.

She was pollenated about a week ago by her little sister as well.. So F1 fems are in the making. Still have a good amount of pollen left in case I find another pheno I like. I aleady popped 4 more seeds, lol!
Welp! The chop was done last week. Buds are curing. I pollenated two branches and now have more Chemdogging x Tyrone Stomper auto fems than I planned! Lol. She took the pollen well. About 70 seeds from 2 nugs. There may be more in other buds bud I will check those as I sshhhmmoke them..

I also have the CDxTS male that I was looking for. He's chillin in a solo cup and will probably finish in it. He just showed sex this week.
Welp! The chop was done last week. Buds are curing. I pollenated two branches and now have more Chemdogging x Tyrone Stomper auto fems than I planned! Lol. She took the pollen well. About 70 seeds from 2 nugs. There may be more in other buds bud I will check those as I sshhhmmoke them..
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I also have the CDxTS male that I was looking for. He's chillin in a solo cup and will probably finish in it. He just showed sex this week.
nice haul from just a couple of buds :pass: