New Grower CBD Auto-grow Journal v1.02

June 18

Fertigated Blue Mystic(auto) wk 10 nutes, pH 5.5 20% runoff(3.0 gal)
coir pH 1hr later - 6.6 @ 3in / 6.4 @ 4in-5in
So far, three waterings using nute pH of 5.5 has not changed the coir pH.

Examined several buds on both flowering plants. Concentrated on the highest buds. Looks like both are about 75%-80% opaque trichomes. King's Kush still displaying many many orange pistils, though there seem to be more newer white/thicker pistils (emerging...guessing.)

For next grow, any thoughts on adding about 10% peat-moss to coco coir/perlite? Perhaps this will help sustain a slightly lower soil pH. Any detriments to peat-moss?

Also: any thoughts on re-use of coco coir? I have read that this can be a good thing with respect to the mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial bacteria, and trichoderma.
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June 18

Fertigated Blue Mystic(auto) wk 10 nutes, pH 5.5 20% runoff(3.0 gal)
coir pH 1hr later - 6.6 @ 3in / 6.4 @ 4in-5in
So far, three waterings using nute pH of 5.5 has not changed the coir pH.

Examined several buds on both flowering plants. Concentrated on the highest buds. Looks like both are about 75%-80% opaque trichomes. King's Kush still displaying many many orange pistils, though there seem to be more newer white/thicker pistils (emerging...guessing.)

For next grow, any thoughts on adding about 10% peat-moss to coco coir/perlite? Perhaps this will help sustain a slightly lower soil pH. Any detriments to peat-moss?

Also: any thoughts on re-use of coco coir? I have read that this can be a good thing with respect to the mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial bacteria, and trichoderma.
Some strains will continue to add pistils even when it is harvest time.

I am a hydro guy and adding peat starts you in the soil direction. Do the research and experiment yourself. I don't reuse rockwool even though it can be done. I just like the idea of starting fresh with hydro.
Blue Cheese: Seed - April 27 | Flowering - June 18 | | (7.5 weeks)

Fertigating Blue Cheese wk 4 nutes @ pH 5.5 (3 gal, 20% runoff)

runoff pH - 6.0(first runoff)
soil pH 1hr after fertigation -6.4

While beginning this fertigation I noticed that the plant has begun to bloom. I thought this was not an autoflower. And if it is, then it took 7.5 weeks to start. Strange shit! It definitely didn't see a 12/12 light schedule, so I am perplexed. Dinafem, via seedsman, does sell a auto version of Blue Cheese. It was a freebie in the order.
Will have to check close to make sure this is not some kind of misfit(hermaphrodite). Was planning to transition it on the 1st. I guess the 19th, or even the 18th will have to do. The auto has a flowering time of about 70 days as opposed to 50-60 with the regular and it's yield is quite small in comparison, though this plant looks like it's going to dwarf my other two auto's. It's a real bush.
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Blue Cheese: Seed - April 27 | Induced Flowering - July ? | | (7.5 weeks)

Fertigating Blue Cheese wk 3 nutes @ pH 5.5 (3 gal, 20% runoff) **in progress**

soil pH 1hr after fertigation -
runoff pH -

While beginning this fertigation I noticed that the plant has begun to bloom. I thought this was not an autoflower. And if it is, then it took 7.5 weeks to start. Strange shit! It definitely didn't see a 12/12 light schedule, so I am perplexed. Dinafem, via seedsman, does sell a auto version of Blue Cheese. It was a freebie in the order.
Will have to check close to make sure this is not some kind of misfit(hermaphrodite). Was planning to transition it on the 1st. I guess the 19th, or even the 18th will have to do.
Plants do their own thing sometimes. If it is a hermie don't panic, just pick the balls off. Often that is all it takes to get them past the male hormones; other times they go full blown hermie and not much to do but cull it.
Forgive my ignorance, but the dictionary did not help much in understanding this statement.

Kill, remove from the grow. In agriculture it is used to describe the fruit not suitable for consumption. "The culled peaches were left in the field."

ScreenHunter_129 Jun. 19 15.43.jpg
Kill, remove from the grow. In agriculture it is used to describe the fruit not suitable for consumption. "The culled peaches were left in the field."

View attachment 920337
If it did have male parts, would it pollinate the two other plants? I'd either have to neuter the bastard or finish the grow elsewhere.
If it did have male parts, would it pollinate the two other plants? I'd either have to neuter the bastard or finish the grow elsewhere.
Yes if you let the male "Balls" ripen and open it will pollinate the entire room.
Depends on the hermie... I grow hermies... the ones that’ll produce a SINGLE pollen sack here and there... with smaller plants the sacks are easily removed every day or two or as they appear.... some will end up inside buds ect and you may get a few seeds inside buds ect. Then you have hermies that will produce clusters and dump loads of pollen and I don’t bother keeping those... here’s my last hermie harvest though.

I don’t mind a few seeds per plant if the quality is on point. I grew that plant highly suspecting it would hermie based on the weed it came from and I was right... I even saved the five seeds it gave me in all and will eventually grow those. Atleast until the hermie trait gets beyond my liking.

I even had a couple pollen sacks open outside the buds and it didn’t cause any seeds to form in my plant next to it. Edit: I take that back my second plant had a SINGLE seed possibly from the pollen but it was a brickweed bagseeds so I didn’t mind. This is what the opened flowers looked like btw.
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Depends on the hermie... I grow hermies... the ones that’ll produce a SINGLE pollen sack here and there... with smaller plants the sacks are easily removed every day or two or as they appear.... some will end up inside buds ect and you may get a few seeds inside buds ect. Then you have hermie a that will produce clusters and dump loads of pollen and I don’t bother keeping those... here’s my last hermie harvest though.
Time for some exploratory surgery.