..... always, the bottom line is your in-pot pH, which is spot-on now,... adjusting your inputs to this as well will help keep it there, unless there's been a tendency for it to drift up,.... don't want it to go lower either, or P will start to lock out which will be a bad thing indeed at this stage and with the N tox'! ... N is taken up not matter what, there's no selection process there so cutting that out for now is wise, and force the plant to use it's own stores of it,... meantime, keep the PK ratios high! Too much N screws with budding, makes for poor bud:leaf ratio,.... unfortunately, you're stuck with Micro and it's high N content because if you cut that down, you're getting shorted on the micronutes,... of course, you can always buy a dedicated supplement for this, like Earth Juice Microblast,... demand is at it highest now, and most of those nute elements are immobile, so a steady low level supply is best,... This also has mainly sulfate based compounding, which is great since terp's need the S for productions,...