New Grower CBD Auto-grow Journal v1.02

June 9
Fertigating Blue Cheese Wk 3 pH 5.8 nutes @ 70% to ~12% runoff (2.25 gal) Soil pH 1hr after - 6.4
Last done: June 2, Wk3 pH 6.0 nutes @ 60% to 10% - 12% runoff (1.75 gal)

This plant is looking good. The lower leaves are darkening but not nearly as dark as the Blue Mystic(with N tox). The upper leaves are lighter still. Over-all the plant is as tall as the canopy of the Blue Mystic. I have been training the main cola so that it stays close to even with the plants overall growth. When this baby stretches I'm sure It will tower over the two auto's. We will have to monitor this one more closely to see if we cant avoid the high N levels. This may mean not pushing the "Tip Burn" phenomena. So being at 70% nutes now and sticking to 70% an additional week might be helpful. My thoughts, anyway.
I like your thinking. :slap:
:toke:..... always, the bottom line is your in-pot pH, which is spot-on now,... adjusting your inputs to this as well will help keep it there, unless there's been a tendency for it to drift up,.... don't want it to go lower either, or P will start to lock out which will be a bad thing indeed at this stage and with the N tox'! ... N is taken up not matter what, there's no selection process there so cutting that out for now is wise, and force the plant to use it's own stores of it,... meantime, keep the PK ratios high! Too much N screws with budding, makes for poor bud:leaf ratio,.... unfortunately, you're stuck with Micro and it's high N content because if you cut that down, you're getting shorted on the micronutes,... of course, you can always buy a dedicated supplement for this, like Earth Juice Microblast,... demand is at it highest now, and most of those nute elements are immobile, so a steady low level supply is best,... This also has mainly sulfate based compounding, which is great since terp's need the S for productions,...
@Mañ'O'Green I kinda thought that the soil pH was the "ultimate" indicator, but I am confused as to 6.4/6.5 being "spot-on." All I've read indicated that our pH should be 5.5 to 6.5for the hydro/coir grow, thus "spot-on" would be 6.0 as was our nutrient goal all along. I am guessing that Waira may have thought I was growing in dirt, not coir. As far as P locking out, it makes sense looking at the "soil" pH chart.

But on the hydro chart, I am currently not getting enough P @ H 6.4/6.5.

This, of course, was why I was dropping the Nute pH down so that the soil (coir in my case) might drift down a bit. So far it has not. So I suspect, that given this scenario, I am not in need of Earth JUice Microblast. Do you know, is Myco Maximun an aprox. comparable produce to EJM?

I will be fertigating My blue Mystic(the N-tox'd child in a day so I am looking for an adjustment nute solution.

My plan, unless you disagree:


oops! disregard the .02 on the Micro. It should read 4.20

Reasoning: Less Micro, RapidStart, Calmag, Florilicious reduces N. More Bloom increases P
A pH of 5.6 may help to lower the hydro pH level from 6.5 to ??

Please support you counter proposal with backing evidence!!!!
Shit, I now sound like a real geek here. It all goes to better learning.
In the end, respond as you please, since this is all volunteer work! :pass:
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Coco provides nothing to the plant other than support and water retention so all nutrients and minerals come from the fertigation = hydroponics. What @Waira is alluding to is the micro-nutrients that are in the GH MicroGrow will be missing if we eliminate it to reduce nitrogen. The Earth Juice would supply those. Myco provides living microbes that help make the micro-nutrients that are present more available to the plant; it cannot do that if they are not there in the first place.

Yes I also think Waira is high on his PH statement. I have always let my PH wander around a bit in the given range for hydro. The idea being it will pass through the ideal range for all the different nutrients. I think this is harder to do with coco than DWC but some deviation should still be ok.

The really important thing here is that you have learned the importance of trying to control these factors. Thinking for yourself is my real goal. I am growing a farmer not a pot plant.
The Earth Juice Microblast will arrive Wednesday, but I really should fertigate tomorrow. How might I add a couple of wait days to the fertigation. Would giving the plant a light watering (.25 - .50 gal) hold me over till fertigation on Wednesday??
:doh: apologies, in the blur of the Infirmary rush lately, this got mixed up with others in my head, and when I saw "soil", I simply spaced that you were in (soilless) coco!.... So indeed, the pH should be around 6.0,.... I really wish somebody would make a coco-specific pH attenuating bar graph like these,... what with coco's Ca and to a lesser degree, Mg hogging because of it's odd CEC properties, I think even the hydro-based graph isn't the best,....coco does not react the same as true solutions do either!
... I looked up Myco max, and it's an inoculant, nothing in their description says there's micronutes as well, just some humic-fulvic,... (very good stuff to have BTW, even in coco,... fulvic is especially good,... check out the reference section in the Infirmary area, good stuff there about this, chelation,....)... So no, it's not a substitute,... You can fert' as usual mate, the EMJ is more preventative here, not curative... you don't have any outward symptoms of any defc.'s fortunately! And excess N usually won't cause other nute defc.'s.....

The Earth Juice Microblast will arrive Wednesday, but I really should fertigate tomorrow. How might I add a couple of wait days to the fertigation. Would giving the plant a light watering (.25 - .50 gal) hold me over till fertigation on Wednesday??
Just stick to the regular (low nitrogen) schedule. Your plants are fine.
Fertigating Blue Mystic as per yesterday's plan. (3.5 gal) 20% runoff pH 5.5
Not seen yesterday, but now visible, are 4-5 leaves about midway up from coir that are showing yellowing.



This does not appear to be the same as the discoloration seen previously on this plant.
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Fertigating Blue Mystic as per yesterday's plan.
Not seen yesterday, but now visible, are 4-5 leaves about midway up from coir that are showing yellowing.
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This does not appear to be the same as the discoloration seen previously on this plant.
That might be a little Mag deficiency since we have backed off on the Micro. Don't worry the Earth Juice Microblast will fix that when you get it. It could also be from the N toxicity.
That might be a little Mag deficiency since we have backed off on the Micro. Don't worry the Earth Juice Microblast will fix that when you get it. It could also be from the N toxicity.

Actually, I haven't backed off until today's watering, still in progress. And with a coir pH of 6.5, P, B, & Mg may be in short supply according to the Nutrient/pH chart. From what I have seen on the net, it looks like the beginning stages of Boron def. My action, in my opinion might be to fertigate to minimum of 20% runoff with a pH of 5.5. Am I making any sense here?

Images of Mg def seem to look more like this...

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