If you wanted you could take them later, give another sledgehammer flush and at least one more good water only flush after that. Don't have air blowing directly on the buds, that will dry them out quicker. A nice slow even dry is what you want. As soon as they feel crispy on the outside I jar my buds up. You gotta pay close attention doing this or you will end up with some moldy buds. The best way to cure is with a RH meter inside the jar with the buds. If the RH gets 70+ let them air dry. 62-65 is when I keep them jarred the best curing in my experience has been in that range. Read more about that curing method here... https://www.autoflower.org/f23/time-we-all-work-so-hard-achieving-perfect-cure-204.html
I also give my plants 24-48 hours of darkness. Never tried giving them cold water
I also give my plants 24-48 hours of darkness. Never tried giving them cold water