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:lol: Sorry bro, didn't mean to put "the fear" in you. I would bypass the plugs in the shed until you can sort out the grounding issue. I don't think a trip to Walmart tonight is necessary... but I would go first thing tomorrow. For tonight though, just put your fingers up against all of your cords, plugs, and outlets to make sure that they don't feel warm.
I would check and see what your wire feed into your shed is and how long that is... often, extension cords or grossly overrated... and that may be more likeyl to cause a problem... what all you have running at once there? what size wire runs into your shed as the feed for that plug?

If you are going to take the time to run something to your shed, you might be better with a new breaker off your ciruit box...

:2cents: its the first thing i do when i setup a new grow room... new braker and heavy duty wire....

:smokebuds: KS is right... you cant unburn your house or you...

I also personally buy stuff rated for double the load I will be putting on it.... paranoid too... but if i burn down... they will find my plants, and I lose everything... so safety safety safety!!

as wiz says, you can grow nowt from jail.
If your using a roll up extension cord, unroll it entirely, especially if that one cords is powering everything.. lay it all out and double it back on itself if you have to, melted one using a welder one day, industrial electrician buddy set me straight. resistance ect. eddie currents i think. beyond me, but dangerous none the less.. have fun be safe. sleep better that way
well put JM, that's one for everyone to know too. No matter whats being plugged in.
i have a 400watt digital ballast, 400 watt mh light,6 inch yeild master classic, and a couple of small clip on fans and small space heater but have it spilt up between two power strips in different outlets...the shed was already wired for electricity...lady before me had her washer and dryer in her i has a breaker box with two switches i cant see any wires, and probally wouldnt know what i was looking for. i aslo dont know how to do new breaker and heavy duty wire....could u explain a little,sorry im a noob:help:
would these problems hurt my ballast or cause light not to work properly...thought hood regulated that stuff figured if there was weak power flow then light would not even fire up...
no worries... if your that unfamiliar with electrical wiring, I wouldn't do it yourself... I'm not a pro, but I know exactly what I'm doing... I usually wire in all the new wires with a HOT breaker box... and then clip in my breaker... but you're not supposed to and here in us it is 220 Volts comin inat 200 amps service... enough to make friend chicken out of you in about 1/10th of a second.

anyway.. sounds like you have a decent breaker box there... if it had a dryer and washer hooked up you should be all set... use both plugs on the outlet to 2 seperate power strips.... then try nsplit your load across those as evenly as possible..

ok powerwise i think you're cool... my only concern would be the electric heater... they CAN draw a lot... find out how many watts or amps draw...
That can get a little bit tricky to tackle if you don't have any experience with it. Any chance you have a buddy that's down for the cause and also happens to be an electrician? If not, any chance you could bring your grow indoors and get an electrician in there to run proper wires to it, proper breaker and fuse box, and good grounded outlets? Are these the only plants you have going out there? If so, they could easily be kept under a couple of CFL's for a few days while you have someone come in. It's not going to be all that inexpensive to bring an electrician, I know... maybe you can find a good electrician who would be willing to barter something in exchange for his/her work? If you decide to go the electrician route, tell them you plan on running some heavy duty shop equipment in there and they will wire accordingly.

If all of that's not a possibility, I would go the extension cord route.