I prefer prewashed unbuffered coco to. I use for bedding for some of my reptiles after testing pet store coco.I think rinsing and filtering coco really depends on brand and pre washed or brick. I've washed rinsed and filtered blocks. And done nothing with prewashed and fluffed. I prefer the prewashed. Works great with my nutes.
Rule #1 do not wash coco? Sorry Blue but I gotta strongly disagree. The bricks come packed with salts and who knows what else. Yes if one is purchasing quality buffered coco don't rinse but I've found botanicare and Plant It brands to both be full of salts and junk. I've also found its better to get rid of buffers as they don't play well with all nutrient lines.
Its not more difficult - just different.Great thread man!
I'm sort of new to indoor and wondered if it was easier or harder than soil? Seems like it more time consuming needing water daily. I know people prefere coco all over but it it worth it in the end? More work and more nutes but if the yield is double I'm down. Also wondering if it's forgiving cause it seems like it's sort of a bitch to get down