New Grower Calling All growers!!!!!!


Regenerative Ag Student For Life
Jan 2, 2011
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Hey guys... wanted to start a thread to get some live mass experimentation going on...
I recently was introduced to some new concepts regarding magnetism and plants.

I'd like to do some testing, but since we have so many growers in so many different places with so many different methods... it's actually easier to do experiments if we all do a small one and compare our results....

How would we go about doing this? I'm interested but know nothing about it
Free Energy - Quantum Physics, Magnets, health, etc

Effect of magnetism on seeds and Plants

Two separate experiments were conducted with statistical design to ascertain the effect of magnetic fields on :

Percentage and rate of germination of seeds.

Growth and composition of the seedlings, utilizing individual south and north poles.

Two sets of seeds and plants, treated and untreated (with magnetism) were maintained to compare the effects. It was found that the seeds under magnetic influence sprouted faster and developed deeper roots compared to the uninfluenced one. It was also observed that the plants irrigated with magnetised water yielded a 20 to 40 per cent higher growth rate and vigour as compared to untreated one. Not only that these plants (treated) are also less susceptible to crop pests and diseases.

The chemical composition of the treated and untreated plants also brought out an interesting pattern of energy characteristics and minerals. Several biomagnetic experiments carried out in his laboratory, showed higher values of sugars, oil, and protein in the plants treated with south pole. The beets grown with South Pole treatment showed higher sugar content and the peanuts with increased oil content.

The above findings offer great promise in enhancing the agricultural yields of crops. Russian farmers have already shown the way by growing giant-sized brinjals and tomatoes of the size of musk-melons by magnetising the irrigation water.

Similar set of experiments with magnetised water prepared from the north and south poles as well as the mixed water of both the poles, resulted in incredible difference with the potted ornamental plants of money-plant (pothos), marigold and dahlia. The leaves of pothos grew broader and denser, and the flowers of marigold and dahlia bigger and brighter under the influence of the South Pole magnetised water used for the irrigation of these plants. These experiments do not require high-end gadgets, and can simply be performed by common people.

In another set of experiments, designed to ascertain the effect of magnets on the enzymatic activity by fruits and vegetables, the unripe fruits and vegetables like mangoes and tomatoes were placed in the magnetic field. Closely related to the experiment were the studies on the shelf-life of cooked vegetables, meat, fish and various other types of foods. The studies revealed that the unripe fruits and vegetables ripened faster in the magnetic field, suggesting enhanced enzymatic activity. Also, the cooked food remained unspoiled for greater periods under the influence of the North Pole than those kept under normal conditions or under the influence of the South pole.

Similarly, the fermentation rate was greatly enhanced when kept in the magnetic field of the North Pole. Many scientists have corroborated these findings in their laboratories and homes. Based on these findings, the following conclusions have been drawn:

The South Pole of a magnet gives energy. This energy enhances fermentation of liquors and promotes the growth of moulds and bacteria. It also promotes denser vegetative growth and bigger-size flowers and fruits.

The North Pole treatment retards the growth of bacteria and plants and leads to sparse vegetative growth. It also adversely affects the fermentation rate in alcohol and increases the shelf life of cooked foods.

The North Pole arrests growth of bacteria and consequently putrefaction of cells, while the South pole encourages growth.

This simple experiment will clarify the effect of the North pole of a magnet:

Take two glass bottles, fill them with ordinary tap water and cork them.

Place one of the bottles on the North pole of a strong cylindrical magnet with a strength of about 2000 gauss for about 24 hours, while the other bottle under normal room conditions.

Observe both the bottles for any mould or fungus growth every day. You will notice that the bottle kept under the normal room conditions develops thread-like mould growth after 2 to 3 days, while the bottle treated with the north pole will keep free of any mould growth for about 15 days.

This proves that the North Pole retards any life activity. This property of the North Pole is utilized against infections and degeneration of tumors and outgrowths.

The experiments were conducted on the behaviour of bacterias, which produce skin troubles and stomach disorders. These bacteria incubated in the magnetic fields of 15 kilogauss showed complete inhibition of their development.

Similar experiments with other pathogenic bacteria like Eschirichia coli also revealed partial or complete inhibition of their growth. Experiments designed to judge the effect of high magnetic fields on life, the mould of the genus Neurospora was employed as the test organism.

The studies were directed to know whether high magnetic field can induce any Mutation (Changes in genetic composition). Prolonged exposure upto high magnetic fields of 110000 gauss assigned no adverse effects to magnetic fields. This suggests safety of high magnetic fields to life.​
Don't think I'd be buying that super imploder anytime soon, it's priced pretty high. €750.00 :no:
Me neither... but read about the magnets in the above article....

I want to test the magnetism just by itself anyway (control isolation)

now if I get ridiculous reults.... then I'll probably make my own imploder nozzle... cant be that hard to build

I'm still in for trying this out, I like to experiment with things, whether it's good or bad, I think my curiosity gets the best of me sometimes though :smokebuds:
join the club... if i were a cat, I'd be dead 10 times... lol


so i have a few "tries" started here already with N52 magnets (strongest available on the market) mine are about 8000 Gauss

have one under an AA plant I'm finishing... I must say it seems to be accelerating growth a little even at the late stage of growth its in and seeds are getting huge already!!! pollyed 1 week ago...

I am also running all my water through the south pole of a magnet and out the north... as well as having a south field underneath my 5 gallon bubble jug..

so we'll see... so far I seem to be experiencing explosive growth in the 2 days since...

we'll see if it continues...
this , of course, all ties into other "free energy" work I'm researching... I'm on page 760 of a 2448 page manual on thses priciples...
see my free energy thread if you are interested in more.

I have another experiment I'd like to conduct... which, if its successful might revultionaize the way we think about lighting grow rooms alltogether...
Wireless energy transmission to plants:

Conducting Chlorophyll Energy over Wires - KeelyNet 03/25/02
by Dr. T. Galen Hieronymous

From Journal Of Borderland Research - Sep/Oct 1990, page 22.

About 1930, I decided to try an experiment of conducting Chlorophyll Energy over wires. I had been conducting Eloptic Energy over long distance via wire. A wood platform was installed on the south side of the house about six feet above the ground in order to get the desired potential of energy which increases with distance above the ground.
Having some wooden cigar boxes available, I cut boxes apart and cut pieces and made eight boxes that were 2" X 2" X 4" although any size boxes will work. Aluminum foil was placed on the bottom of seven boxes inside so as to be in contact with the soil. Similar pieces of foil were placed on the underside of the lid of each box. Wires were connected to each piece of foil, the wires from the lids were extended to the sun plates, the wires from the bottom foils were connected to the water pipe and thus grounded. See Figure #2 (on the right) for details of the box construction. Refer to Figure #1 which shows a 'side' view of the installation.

Figure #3 shows the system of connections.

Seven plates were placed on the platform so as to pick up energy from the sun and a wire was connected to each plate and extended down into the basement, each box having the top foil plate connected via wire to a plate out on the platform in the sunlight. The eighth box had no connection to the outside, it being the 'control'. The plates on the platform were all different in size. The smallest was 2" X 4", the next 4" X 8", the largest was about 8" X 10" and one plate was copper screen wire. Some dirt was screened and 1/2 inch of dirt placed in each box. Oat seeds were selected, all of uniform size and planted in two rows of 5 seeds spaced in each row, the 1/2" of dirt was placed on top in the box. The same amount of water was added to each box as needed from day to day. All of the seeds sprouted about the same time. Then we noticed that there was no chlorophyll in the 10 plants in the control box. All of the boxes connected to outside plates had plants with much chlorophyll. We were quite surprised to note that the plants in boxes with large outside plates seemed to look as if they had been subjected to heat. Apparently the large outside plates were bringing in an excess of energy compared with the effect of the small size outside plates. Very soon, the plants grew too tall for the small amount of 'head room' in the boxes so each box was equipped with a spacer to raise the top of each lid up about 3/4". The boxes were placed on a shelf in the end of the basement where there was little light, with no windows at that end. Also, the shelf was kept dark by a board placed in front and another on top to exclude all light. The plants were dark all of the time except when they were examined by a flashlight. A friend tried to duplicate the experiment, but did not follow all instructions. Their basement was only about 3 feet from the basement floor to the ground level outside. Instead of placing the outside plates above ground 6 feet, they laid on the ground, thus they did not have the potential differences between outside collector and inside boxes and the experiment was a failure. Also, there was a window near that let much light into where the boxes were placed. Anyone who expects to duplicate an experiment should be sure they know all the factors and that they follow the instructions exactly without any substitution or change. And as to changes, if you are trying to get a special result and are trying out several methods or ideas, one of the cardinal points to doing good work is to make just one change at a time. Then you know just what the results are. If you make two changes and the result is a failure, you do not know but that one of the changes and the results is a failure, you do not know but that one of the changes may have been alright.
