I have update pics! i was out of town for the last week so i had someone else take care of my plants. there were some bug problems, over watering and underwatering problems as well as a few dead plants when i returnd but overall they look better than i expected.
I started feeding them all with more nutrients today. epsom slat, floanova bloom and some maxigrow. i had given them all a lot of fertilizer from seed, this killed several plants, only the stronger ones survived. when looking at the pics remembere that ive been stressing the hell out of these plants so they may look a little unhealthy. the result though, califlower will be one nice strain.
Heres the feminized seed run, i started another wave of seeds today to continue this. i took off most of the dead leaves (died while i was gone)
here is a pic of both of the female califlowers that have been treated with CS. they both have balls all over them and the older one is starting to shed pollen. the other females are starting to show signs of pollination. ill be doing more pollination by hand tomorrow.
here is a califlower female that is in the seed box. the node spacing is virtually non existent, its like each node forms directly on top of the previous one! sooo dense. tiny little plant by design. its only in a gallon of soil and under really bright light. she is so dense and sexy!
here is a califlower and a hbd. the hbd is in the back and the califlower is in the front. the cali is about 1 week older than the hbd. the difference is very noticeable.
heres sophie the califlower from above from the top
here she is from the side
sophies cola
and here is sophie and stacy side by side. the taller one (better one) is the califlower and the other is a HBD.
hers stacy the HBD. the buds are not as full though it is younger. the node spacing in larger and its a skinnier plant than the califlower
again showing the difference between the hbd and the califlower, here are the leaves. the first one is the califlower
The califlower has larger longer leaves while the hbd has very short broader leaves. i dont have a picture of the fast bud #2 leaves right now for comparison but the califlower is a perfect hybrid between the two plants.
Any one have any comments? I started at least 20 califlower seeds today. im going to build a support to get all my plants closer to the hps and then the califlowers i just started will be used for more feminized seeds as well as for my show girls.
does anyone have any experience preserving an entire plant? i want to grow some califlower out to completion and then spray it with plastic or similar so that it stays green and such. i want to use it as a display at the clubs next to my seed display.