Since there is so much interest i thought i would throw this out there. My website (though very much under construction) is
www.homegrownrx.com Ill be putting the CS as well as seeds and other products on there very soon. im hoping to make it a functioning web site tonight. I also wanted to mention, if my advertising of these products through this thread is bothersome to anyone please let me know.
JM and TBM, you guys are the best, thanks for the kind words. JM, im reading through your threads right now, id love to hear about your results/experience with the silver. are you using it on a strain that you've successfully used your silver on? id be curious to see how they compare if thats the case.
Im thinking more and more about doing an experiment with both silver and GA3 mixed. i just really need to do some hardcore research.
Soooooooooooo update time!
Ill probably double post this in my old thread about BAP being used to create a full plant from a single leaf with out sterile or even clean conditions.... Below is a picture of the Benzyl amino purine (BAP) that i made today. There is a very concentrated solution in the large vial which i will be using to make a spray (same bottles as the CS etc will be available on my website). The small 7.5ml bottles have 2500 part per million BAP in Lanolin. This paste is freaking amazingly cool. ive used it to make some really crazy cacti, no experience with bot yet. look at m y other thread if interested in bap, its amazing!
Here is a picture taken a few minutes ago of the califlower in the feminized seed run cabinet. as you can see there are 3 sexed females which look amazing, the two in the front are the ones i sprayed with silver. closeups are a few pics down. The 2nd pic below is of the female which is staying female. im really liking my califlower more than the HBD that im growing along side them. A may appropriate or descriptive name for califlower would be Fast Himalayan Blue Diesel. The califlowers so far are really fast growing HBD, they are maturing faster, getting larger and branching much faster.
Here are pictures of the two califlowers treated with silver, from the feminized seed run.
Now i know its hard to see, and these arent the best pictures ever but its the best i have right now. below are two pictures of one of the two plants above that has been treated with silver. As you can see (hopefully) the pistils on the treated plant are orange and dying. If you compare this to the female califlower in the corner of the cabinet that has not been treated with silver you see there is a significant difference. I started spraying the CS on 10-29 on the plant pictured below. Thats 5 days. I noticed some very small structures which i think maybe the begging of balls, but i dont want to call it until im 100% sure and can prove it with pics.
I consider the early death of these pistils to be the first sign that the silver is working. I have been applying the silver 1 time a day which is twice as much as ive been recommending. the reason for this is i want very quick and clear results for posting purposes. im just being extra careful since the whole world is watching. ive only used 1/2 of a bottle so far, though its been on two plants and ive been spraying 2x as much as i think is necessary.
And below is sophie, shes a babe
She has been under 400w of HPS most of her life at 24/0. she is however a good distance from it which is why she is stretched a little. She is a female califlower with no silver treatment. 2.5gallons of my premium soil mix. she broke ground on 10-4, making her 29 days old. im hoping that means she is half way done or will be in the next day or two. ideally these califlower will be done in 60 days. If i had to describe sophie id call her a very fast version of Himalayan blue diesel with larger stronger and more abundant branches, when compared to my hbd growing in identical conditions. too bad i dont have a stronger light for her. maybe ill get some bricks to raise er closer to the hps.
Comments? Ill change my signature to have a link to the BAP thread for those interested.