Indoor Bushmasterar15 growing again

Day 61 Mephisto ManBearAlienPig and Seed Stockers Northernlights
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Thanks, but I'm scared to look into the tent it's been about a week now. I've been under the weather and space things out. I looked at my notes and I made a huge mistake I gave nutes for a 10 gallon reservoir refill but only put in 7 gallons so might be in for a shock. I'm still not feeling well but have to fill the reservoir again and get some update pics. Wish me luck.
From what I’m seeing those extra nutes did not hurt a thing. Hope you are feeling better. I know how difficult it can be to look after your ladies when you feel like poop. I just got over the shingles that lasted over 8 weeks and I still have residual nerve pain. My tent is revegging but I really have not done anything to help it along.