Indoor Bushmasterar15 growing again

I haven't tried the pre bagged coco. I liked the bricks as it's easier for me to store and I know that it's dried/compressed without any live bugs crawling in that I don't want in my grows.

Good call. I never thought about it that way. It’s definitely easier to store and is only $20Cad for me to get 40l. I will probably choose the bricks going forward. I like that you can pre-charge/rehydrate at the same time.

Did you precharge with beneficials as well?.... I couldn’t remember. I have recharge and thought it would work well.
Good call. I never thought about it that way. It’s definitely easier to store and is only $20Cad for me to get 40l. I will probably choose the bricks going forward. I like that you can pre-charge/rehydrate at the same time.

Did you precharge with beneficials as well?.... I couldn’t remember. I have recharge and thought it would work well.
Only thing I do before placing germed seed into the coco is I mix in a teaspoon of Mycos in the spot where seed will be placed.

That oilycann looks like good stuff..... and zero nitrogen is really nice. I have greenleaf CaMg coming and also CaliMagic.... I’ll look up earth juice when I run out.
The OilyCann is what I started with and a gallon has lasted almost 4 grows. I still have some left. But I do have a bag of Greenleaf Calmag that I'll try soon as I run out.
Only thing I do before placing germed seed into the coco is I mix in a teaspoon of Mycos in the spot where seed will be placed.

The OilyCann is what I started with and a gallon has lasted almost 4 grows. I still have some left. But I do have a bag of Greenleaf Calmag that I'll try soon as I run out.

What kind of Mycos are you using?

Let me know when you test out the GL CaMg. I’m curious how the N interacts with MC later in the grow. I’ll find out soon.... starting an autopot next week.

I’m also awaiting a starter package from @Biotabs F69. I haven’t heard from him in a week..... so it could be a little while till I get it. Hope he’s doing ok!
What kind of Mycos are you using?

Let me know when you test out the GL CaMg. I’m curious how the N interacts with MC later in the grow. I’ll find out soon.... starting an autopot next week.

I’m also awaiting a starter package from @Biotabs F69. I haven’t heard from him in a week..... so it could be a little while till I get it. Hope he’s doing ok!
This is the one I got
download (7).jpg
Just got back from Florida and you are already blowing it up. :d5: Looks great!
Thanks, but I'm scared to look into the tent it's been about a week now. I've been under the weather and space things out. I looked at my notes and I made a huge mistake I gave nutes for a 10 gallon reservoir refill but only put in 7 gallons so might be in for a shock. I'm still not feeling well but have to fill the reservoir again and get some update pics. Wish me luck.