Indoor Bushmasterar15 growing again

@bushmasterar15 So how do you like the light? You going to keep running it or go back to the autocobs?
In the beginning I wasn't really feeling it. But as the grow went on and was able to figure out the spectrum adjustments I think I finished ok with it and might run it again for another grow just to see. I do like the simplicity of the autocobs as they were just plug-n-play but I think I need to add 1 or 2 more autocobs to my tent as the jungle can get fierce. I would love to test out the quantum boards to see what the difference would be. What can I say but I'm addicted to growing and testing out new things to try and improve on.
In the beginning I wasn't really feeling it. But as the grow went on and was able to figure out the spectrum adjustments I think I finished ok with it and might run it again for another grow just to see. I do like the simplicity of the autocobs as they were just plug-n-play but I think I need to add 1 or 2 more autocobs to my tent as the jungle can get fierce. I would love to test out the quantum boards to see what the difference would be. What can I say but I'm addicted to growing and testing out new things to try and improve on.

The Folux board is doing great. The autocobs are really nice too. Sm0 is offering different spectrums now as well
Thank you all that have followed along on this ride. I have now finished. Here is my Fastbuds Tangie harvested at day 79. I did no training LST and left her a natural. Now it's time to clean up tent and take a break for a bit.
Thank you all that have followed along on this ride. I have now finished. Here is my Fastbuds Tangie harvested at day 79. I did no training LST and left her a natural. Now it's time to clean up tent and take a break for a bit.
Awesome job bro!!! I loved the Tangie when I grew it:smokeit:
Thank you all that have followed along on this ride. I have now finished. Here is my Fastbuds Tangie harvested at day 79. I did no training LST and left her a natural. Now it's time to clean up tent and take a break for a bit.

Very nicely done brudha
Good grow, @bushmasterar15. Although, I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see colas growing out the vent holes in the top of your tent. :crying: Great job. I’m looking forward to your next one. Whatcha gonna grow next?
Next will be something from Auto Seeds, Bomb Seeds and Short Stuff. Then hoping to see what else to fill the fourth spot.