New Grower Bush Wrangler vol 1. : Blueberry Kush/Coco/Canna nutes/COB

So Cowboys and Cowgirls, learnt a random lesson this weekend - DON'T SQUAT WITH YOUR SPURS ON! ouch...

Ok, so its day 14, and my girl is still alive and growin nicely, I think.
Decided I would take the bull by the horns and start some LST today.
Little scared I might have got the restraints out too early (what do you think @Ribbzzy ?), but as any good cowboy knows 'Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway'!
My thinking is to try and break the apical dominance as early as possible, and get them side branches doing their thing.
Got the noose around the stem between the 2nd and 3rd node, and pulled her gently over. Gonna pull her over more and more over time, with the aim of getting the top lower than the side branches. Hopefully then all the sides branches think they're the chief bud site, and produce accordingly......

Pray for my girl and me amigos!
So Cowboys and Cowgirls, learnt a random lesson this weekend - DON'T SQUAT WITH YOUR SPURS ON! ouch...

Ok, so its day 14, and my girl is still alive and growin nicely, I think.
Decided I would take the bull by the horns and start some LST today.
Little scared I might have got the restraints out too early (what do you think @Ribbzzy ?), but as any good cowboy knows 'Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway'!
My thinking is to try and break the apical dominance as early as possible, and get them side branches doing their thing.
Got the noose around the stem between the 2nd and 3rd node, and pulled her gently over. Gonna pull her over more and more over time, with the aim of getting the top lower than the side branches. Hopefully then all the sides branches think they're the chief bud site, and produce accordingly......

Pray for my girl and me amigos!
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Looking good mate, never to early to get the old whips and chains out, earlier the better really.
So, slight f*&k up today.....
Managed to knock a fan leaf off my girl whilst fiddling around with my LST attempts!
Was inspired last night when reading a thread by Savage Garden, and decided to move the noose from around my girls main stem, to a fan leaf instead. The idea being you don't restrict any nutrient movement up the stem, and also remove any risk of damaging bud/new shoot sites.
Anyway, the fan leaf I damaged was also right above all the new shoot sites (shading them, sorry don't have a before and after), so actually I am quite happy as those side branches are all in direct light now! Hopefully you can see this in the pictures......
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Oh yeah, also fed her again today:

Canna A+B
Canna Rhiz
Calmag Agent


Gave a her a good soak through, until at least 20% run-off, maybe a little more......

Adios amigos!
Hello folks, hope everyone has had a great weekend....:woohoo1:

Quick update on Day 20:
  • My girl seems to be doing good, and is responding well to all the LST.
  • The side branches are progressing well, so holding the main stem down to try and break that apical dominance seems to be working.
  • Roots are starting to poke their noses out the side of the smart pot, and am having to hand water every 24 hrs or so.

Have decided to install an automated dripper system (as I am gonna need to go away for about 3-4 days later this week), which I am testing now.
Am gonna start with feeds every 8 hrs, roughly 250ml @ the same nute strength as my last feed, roughly 800ppm (Canna A+B, Rhiz, Calmag & Drip Clean).
Want to ensure I am getting run off, and not overfeeding......fingers crossed.

Here is a couple of photos, before and after the latest round of LST.....


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Also decided to move away from the 20/4 light schedule, to a 24/0. This is partly due to the dripper having only one programmable setting! but also cos I was noticing the RH going sky high at lights off, sometimes hitting 99%..

Hoping this will keep the environment more steady....

Adios amigos :bong:
Day 22 my amigos and thought I'd give another update, as things seem to be moving along a little faster now!!

In summary:
My girl is responding well to the new 24hr light schedule and the 3 automated dripper feeds a day @ roughly 800ppm & pH 5.8...she is drinking roughly 300ml every feed (with a little run-off)!

Here is what she looked like on Day 20

And this is what she looked like today, Day 22

So seeing as she seems to be handling everything in her stride, I have upped my light intensity to 70 Watts, will continue with the same nute strength (800ppm) and feed schedule (300ml every 8hrs), and given her another haircut and some more LST......phew!

Day 22, post haircut and LST - can see plenty of future bud sites.....this is getting exciting
Quick question for anyone who has experience with the Canna Coco nute range: when do you start adding/introducing Canna Boost into the feed?

Should I be doing this now, at Day 22?
The Canna grow guide schedule seems to be suggesting that, assuming I am understanding it correctly (see screenshot below).
Or should I be waiting until it has started flowering, i.e. first signs of flower?
Or should I be waiting until it has finished the flowering stretch?

Read a thread by Muddy, that suggested all flowering nutes should only be given after the flowering stretch, as if given before this is completed, you may shorten the lifecycle, induce flowering too early, and hence get less of a yield!

Thanks in advance for your help on this one.....

Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 11.44.02.png
Quick question for anyone who has experience with the Canna Coco nute range: when do you start adding/introducing Canna Boost into the feed?

Should I be doing this now, at Day 22?
The Canna grow guide schedule seems to be suggesting that, assuming I am understanding it correctly (see screenshot below).
Or should I be waiting until it has started flowering, i.e. first signs of flower?
Or should I be waiting until it has finished the flowering stretch?

Read a thread by Muddy, that suggested all flowering nutes should only be given after the flowering stretch, as if given before this is completed, you may shorten the lifecycle, induce flowering too early, and hence get less of a yield!

Thanks in advance for your help on this one.....

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I've never used the Canna line and I had to read up on it a little bit to find out what that boost is. It sounds so good it almost makes me want to try the Canna line out. Anyway, I think you should go ahead and use it right now. It isn't really a flower booster so much as it is a general booster. At least by my read, that means you can use it in flour if you're putting in PK but you don't have to be using it just in flower. You just probably want to hold off on the PK a little bit I would think.

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