Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

I'm going to pick up the green from the blackberry gum tomorrow Looking forward to a sample. It might end up being a fresh frozen Vape or a bubble run lol! As its drying in a garden studio and its minus conditions in London. People are living in the building so some heat. Oh and I have a new project in the works. 2 Telos in a 2.4x1.2 flowering tent serviced by a 1.2m2 veg tent. Good times. Laters

Brown Paper Bags are the way to go?

You know my views on 2 Telos 0008;s in a tent?


ScreenHunter_1618 Mar. 01 23.22.jpg

Maybe I can be the UK Voice? (there are plenty of us about!)
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Whoa...................settle down!


Let's get Alfie and 'Medicinal Cannabis/Skunk sorted first in the UK?
Obviously those seriously In need first but hey most humans could do with a good dose! Lol And don't use the dreaded Skunk to describe weed! psychosis alert.

As the media keeps banging on Skunk so much stronger than say hash. Come and try some of my hash.
Obviously those seriously In need first but hey most humans could do with a good dose! Lol And don't use the dreaded Skunk to describe weed! psychosis alert.

As the media keeps banging on Skunk so much stronger than say hash. Come and try some of my hash.

They think 14% THC is strong :crying:

Nice grow Bunny, are you on IG mate?