Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

Yeah agree with everything said above, I am in 70cm square and the Telos is getting concentrated even more! I try and keep the light around 90cm all of the veg cycle now and I switched to 18/6 2 weeks ago, Dan recommended 16 hrs in flower but being on a perpetual its a problem for me so only went halfway!

Bunny killing it bro! tried to give you a slapper but must spread some love first! Will be back with some!
Day 60

Haven't been over to the grow for two weeks (I'm busy building a garden building) so haven't reduced the light from 22 hrs a day! looks sweet though about 20 days left. Bio PK 5-8 being fed at 2ml L every watering.




Hopefully I will get over next week and get some whole plant shots. Laters
Bit annoyed was too busy and the plants got cut before I could photograph. Came down on day 69 and by all accounts a good haul all weekend to trim four plants. I will get a shot of the buds hanging tomorrow. Laters
Still they may be lazy photographers but a lot of trimming done. Can't wait to go and see the produce. Dropping some more seeds in the drink later.And polishing up my new Fuji film camera should have some better photos of the next run.
I'm going to pick up the green from the blackberry gum tomorrow Looking forward to a sample. It might end up being a fresh frozen Vape or a bubble run lol! As its drying in a garden studio and its minus conditions in London. People are living in the building so some heat. Oh and I have a new project in the works. 2 Telos in a 2.4x1.2 flowering tent serviced by a 1.2m2 veg tent. Good times. Laters