Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

I just hope I can keep them that way after stretch and a few weeks into flower.fear of mag def under such bright white LED. I even have mono magnesium at hand. Laters
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Day 29

Good progress for four days. looks like I need to get over to move the two extra runt plants elsewhere to free up space, and raise the light.


Day 30


The Telos certainly vegs a plant nicely ! Biomass business ! moved the light up 20 cm the big girl was showing a little stress.



Big girl ^



Still really enjoying the Bio Tabs Method. So are the blackberry gum.

I moved the Runts out one looks ok


Super Skunk runt in the foreground, going to another cupboard.^


The rearranged plants. ^ I raised the squat plant. It's only day 30 so hopefully time for stretch.

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Very healthy happy looking plants alright! Big girl there shows very familiar looking stress reaction to Telos intense light... Good thing you got it! Also looks to me like a beginning of Mg defiency on her due to the photon blasting but so far so good.

Keep on rocking bro
Cheers Medi ! Good eye on the mag def! I was hoping the leaves were shiny and reflecting weirdly? A top dressing of Sillicium Flash helped out last time. Worst case scenario Mono mag at 1ml L
Cheers Medi ! Good eye on the mag def! I was hoping the leaves were shiny and reflecting weirdly? A top dressing of Sillicium Flash helped out last time. Worst case scenario Mono mag at 1ml L

I've managed with something like 0.25 ml per litre with MONO Mg on hydro just fine. She really seems fine but something we better keep an eye out for.
Day 30


The Telos certainly vegs a plant nicely ! Biomass business ! moved the light up 20 cm the big girl was showing a little stress.



Big girl ^



Still really enjoying the Bio Tabs Method. So are the blackberry gum.

I moved the Runts out one looks ok


Super Skunk runt in the foreground, going to another cupboard.^


The rearranged plants. ^ I raised the squat plant. It's only day 30 so hopefully time for stretch.

I've managed with something like 0.25 ml per litre with MONO Mg on hydro just fine. She really seems fine but something we better keep an eye out for.
looking great bunny lovely and green i think there about to jump up . you have me looking at biotabs again but then medgrower comes along with his remo and kills it also i can get the plants to flowering time just fine very little stress or cal mag def then as soon as flowering starts it seems to go down hill from there i do have the light too close to on of my girls but the other is far enough away and still getting cal mag def after about 3 weeks of flower im stumped really not sure if i need to feed them more often or need to up the cal mag to more than 1.5ml per liter but what i do know is you will either see me use biotabs or remo for my next grow @MedGrower how is the remo nutes on N. advanced is packed with the stuff becomes a real pain
Thanks for dropping by Stoney wait and see how my girls cope with flowering . I do really like the Bio Tabs method using beneficial microbes to balance the soil and to make nutrients available . As well as adding the tabs/amendments and teas/organic PK gunk to boost NPK. I still might need to reach for the canna mono mag for a couple of weeks,who knows ? Cal mag def is a given under LED, especially this bright and when flowering is advancing. Even when feeding daily with bottled cal mag! Laters
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I've managed with something like 0.25 ml per litre with MONO Mg on hydro just fine. She really seems fine but something we better keep an eye out for.

Thanks Medi for the heads up. I will dilute further if I think it's needed. Nice to have you in my corner bro.