Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

Just realised that with the Charge in the coco the Sillicium Flash and one tab plus the little NPK in the light mix has been a perfect start. Adding two more tabs now (rather than the start as intended) that won't start To break down until day 30 should give them a boost at the right moment we will see.

Thought I would post this photo again biggest plants I have had at day 23, the big pots and coco/bacteria,nute amendments are working a treat so far. The hammer gives a good idea of scale ! Laters
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Just realised that with the Charge in the coco the Sillicium Flash and one tab plus the little NPK in the light mix has been a perfect start. Adding two more tabs now (rather than the start as intended) that won't start To break down until day 30 should give them a boost at the right moment we will see.

Thought I would post this again biggest plants I have had at day 23, the big pots and coco/bacteria,nute amendments are working a treat so far. The hammer gives a good idea of scale ! Laters
Can you for me dummie explain in details how it is done? Where do you place bio tab in soil? Lets say it is 10l pot. How much would you add sillicium flash and other things? Mixing with water?
Check the start of this thread bro. I mix the Sillicium flash, coco, myco into the soil at the start plant a seedling and water with bacteria. The tabs go in a couple of inches under the soil.

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Your a gent Arch Im just hoping Mag def isn't a big problem this time? I bumped up the soil amendments so fingers crossed.

They look nice and lush indeed. How high is the light right now? For me I have so far found 50cm works well but I have ORCA grow film at my cabinet and it does very good job with reflections. Anywhere closer and I usually start to get light stress etc symptoms stunting the growth.

Telos is so powerful light..
They look nice and lush indeed. How high is the light right now? For me I have so far found 50cm works well but I have ORCA grow film at my cabinet and it does very good job with reflections. Anywhere closer and I usually start to get light stress etc symptoms stunting the growth.

Telos is so powerful light..

I'm at about 60 or 70 cm to encourage some stretch right now. once they are 80cm tall or around they will be 30 or 40 cm away because of limited head room so I'm really close in flower. I prefer a bit more distance during veg. 50 cm for flower sounds like a sweet spot.