Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

Looking back at my previous photos I think the tabs were waning. I think 3 tabs per pot next round with more soil. Epsom at around day 20 and more importantly Silicium Flash top dressing with extra soil around day 30, though I went a little overboard this time maybe a table spoon per pot next time. The AK However loved two tablespoons, so as usual it's plant dependant.
An extra shot of the AK because I'm enjoying them so much.[emoji7]

Day 65/61


AK look like they have another 2 or 3 weeks.

Small NCH collapsed under her own weight. Only about a zip, she never developed very well. Maybe because of the shallow depth of soil? And finished really quickly. Anyway the other NCH is coming down this week as well I think I need another fan in here to strengthen them up. She has collapsed also. I think they could have been bigger but started flowering so soon and we started bio PK 5-8 a bit late for the NCH as the guys lost the PK tea.


I'm looking forward to starting some plants directly in the 23L smart pots but filled up this run. Against my better judgement a couple of plants started under Fluorescent/outside are taking NCH's place before a full clean down.(hopefully no pests will take over the room in the three weeks) probably Running MBAP and TD next run.

Here are the AK 420



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Day 67

The big AK doesn't look like she's going to stop. Could be a 100 day AK420 pheno. Never got one growing numerous TD and Think Big so pretty excited! She's still green and sprouting pistils!



The smaller AK has 10 -14 days going to let her go a little Amber.


We're going to finish a couple of Plants From other locations.

And start a new Grow from scratch in about a month.

Couple more AK shots


Smaller AK ^


Bigger AK ^
love how the ak420 packs on bud in the last weeks looks like the buds are guna burst swollen with resin how do they smell compared to the TD you have grown in the past my ak420 had a sweet skunky smell to her not like any non auto ak47 iv tried before :pass: