Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

I think I will open the AK's up a little as they are quite tight and dense. Pretty pleased with them for a little over ten litres of soil.
Hey@Bunny looking great in there, did you find that you were getting better results with the AK's in the stretch with the light at around 70cm?

Looking on the larger NCH, the yellowing leaves indicate a basic magnesium deficiency which would make sense with the plants early in the flower stage. I would imagine the AK's will show a similar deficiency by next week if the feed is similar on all 4 and the small NCH may just be fine throughout. I would consider adding some Epsom salts to your feed over the next few weeks, see if that solves the issue.
Thanks for dropping by @GrowNorthern yeah I thought cal mag issues when I was at the grow a week ago ( saw a few rust spots, yellowing veins ) then I saw a lot of yellowing in the photos I was sent yesterday. I will definitely get the ladies some Calmag.

Edit just read the box on Silicium flash!

I will try Epsom salts, lime or another organic additive.

(Edit using biotabs Silicium flash as a top dressing (which I already had) and Epsom salt .

I'm always using lots of bottled cal mag at this point.

@blue did you run into any problems ?

In answer to your question on light heights @GrowNorthern stretch did seem better between 70 -80 cm ( though they were back to 60cm away in a few days) though The lights may have been closer than 60 for a time when NCH were stretching. As @Dazed mentioned dimming will be useful especially If like me you have limited head room.

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I will definitely need some for my Bio tab MS0006 grow! @blue did you run into any problems ?

Hey Bunny - I didn't run into any real problems, however, i ONLY used biotabs and water (nothing else).

I'd recommend at least adding a PK regime to fatten and dense up the buds (which were plentiful for me, just not as dense as i like).
Perhaps try the full starting line up with their startrex a bactrex (or whatever the pros do ... check out waira and eyes on fire for the real way to do it)

I'm impressed with biotabs though, here's my strawberries ... coming along nicely! :D


@Bunny Epsom salts is an inorganic compound but i'm pretty sure it is considered to be "organic" in farming practices if it's obtained from natural sources like mineral rich water (which I assumed was the main production process).

Regarding the dimming, yes this is in our plans for the future for the Telos and HS1 but we need to need to spend more time developing the control features and lowering the associated costs so it's more affordable. Just to be clarify, the driver that comes with the Telos on launch will be non-dimmable and would need the driver changing in future in order to make the Telos dimmable. Not everyone would get the use out of expensive dimming technology and we wanted to make a high quality system that was affordable for everyone so smart control features will be future add on option for only those who want it.
Well got a package from @Biotabs F69 today got my Bio PK 5-8 it has added calcium. Also bought some Epsom salts to add to a couple of feeds.

He sent me more Siliciumflash instead of pk tea by mistake Turns out I should of read the container as well as an amendment it can be used dissolved in Feed for nutrient deficiencies. Note the contents calcio , magnesio !


So biotabs does have a cal mag solution and I had it. Lol need to brush up on my Spanish.

Anyway popping over to offer advice about feeding for our flower regime.
So making up a feed with 2 ml a litre bio pk 5-8 and 10g a litre ( one desert spoon) Silicium , 10g Epsom salt per 5L

Then just bio PK for a few days maybe another application of half strength Silicium later in the week

Or maybe 1g 1 teaspoon a litre Silicium in every feed would be good under led ?
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Hey Bunny - I didn't run into any real problems, however, i ONLY used biotabs and water (nothing else).

I'd recommend at least adding a PK regime to fatten and dense up the buds (which were plentiful for me, just not as dense as i like).
Perhaps try the full starting line up with their startrex a bactrex (or whatever the pros do ... check out waira and eyes on fire for the real way to do it)

I'm impressed with biotabs though, here's my strawberries ... coming along nicely! :D



Dank looking strawberries man!