Dutch Passion Budster's drobe: Blue AutoMazar LST under 180W Hans panel LED

Aug 19, 2013
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I just finished this wardrobe setup and this will be my first grow in it. I will be growing a single Blue AutoMazar utilizing LST to manage the height. I grew it once before and it was a very vigorous growing plant so it should be able to fill the space easily. I have about 150cm or 5 feet of vertical space, which should be enough. The light I will be using is a Hans LED 180W. I like this panel because it allows you to adjust the output power/light from close to zero to 100%. It also has a switch for veg and flower that alters the spectrum for less red in veg. I plan to use this to keep the power consumption at a minimum by hopefully tracking the progress of the plant with the light output. The light looks pretty promising so I'm curious to see how it does in the end.


The setup will be as follows:
Tent: 46x58x150cm (1.5x2x5 ft)
Fan: TD silent 280/380m3/h running at 150V
Filter: 300m3/h Rhino filter on input and a 400m3/h carbon active filter on the output. I run two filters for 0% smell.
Light: Hans LED 180W panel (measured at 165W, 180 is absolute maximum) . 24/0 first two weeks and 20/4 for the rest.
Soil: BioBizz Light-mix in 19L smart pot (gronest brand).
Nutrients: Canna rhizotonic root stimulator, TNT complex(veg), bloom complex and phosphorus plus. Additionally I'm adding some Bionova microlife (contains beneficial microorganisms) and some GHE mineral magic (basically just a silicon additive). Will be using Canna mono Mg or Botanicare Cal-mag throughout the grow.

I plopped one Blue AutoMazar seed directly into a 19l pot. The 19l is probably overkill for this space but I want to be able to water every 3 days only. I'm afraid if I go smaller I might have to water every other day. It took 5 days to show its head above the surface. I'm starting with the LED in veg mode running 25W at a distance of 25cm or 10 inches. I've kept it there up until today, which is day 9 although it's now about 22cm away, it's grown a bit. It hasn't really stretched much so I will leave the light at this height for some time.

Day 3


Full setup


Day 8

Count me in.great choice of pot size for how u want to water,will bring u a big plant.automazar is an insane plant i have grown her a few times.topped and let grow.and topped then lstd the other.monster results;) best of luck and happy growing;)
Count me in.great choice of pot size for how u want to water,will bring u a big plant.automazar is an insane plant i have grown her a few times.topped and let grow.and topped then lstd the other.monster results;) best of luck and happy growing;)

Thanks man! I've grown the BAM once before in my 3 plant SCROG and it did very well, biggest plant to date for me. That's why I thought it would be suitable for a single plant grow.

I'm wanting to do closet grow with similar kind of setup, also doing DP next, so this looks interesting. Subbed and best of luck pal.

Thanks for joining Jay! I think you'll be happy with DP, I've had good results with them.

Nice set up and nice light mate. Interested to follow along and see how this beast turns out.

Thanks hippy! I'm really curious to see how this light does. I'll be happy if I can get 100-120g from it in this relatively small space.
Day 12

I watered her today with 1ml/l Canna mono Mg and a full dose of Rhizotonic, I gave her 1l at pH6.5. The light is still at 25W and 21cm away. I don't see any stretch tendencies and I also can't see any signs of light stress so I think I'm in the right ballpark. Overall she looks like a happy plant, a little on the small side perhaps.


:biggrin: It's tempting but I'm trying to keep the power consumption at a minimum. I want to see how far I can push it. I will of course be increasing the power as the grow progresses.

I salute you for that. I'm also fairly low power but my babies do get a 50w cob each from birth :bighug:
Day 16/17

I just gave her a watering today (day 17). This time she got 1/5 veg nutes, 1ml/l Mg and Rhizotonic. I gave her 2l this time. The light is still at 25W although it's now 18 cm away. I will probably increase the power and raise it in the next few days. She is developing nicely and I see the side branches starting to come out. She is pretty squat so I don't think she's starving for light. As soon as she starts to stretch a bit I will attach some bamboo canes to the pot and start the LST.

Edit: I ended up turning the light up to 40W and raising it to 24cm. Let's see if the growth picks up a bit.

Pictures below from day 16.



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