Grow Mediums briman goes Tangiematic in the XL System

These two are my auto jock horrors. They are 8 days old.

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Thanks for that information. I wasn't sure exactly how much to water. This is my first time using promix and first time growing autoflowers. I've been giving them each about 1/2 gallon every other day.
I know nothing about growing in promix, but I have lots of experience with overwatering and a 1/2 gallon each every two days sounds very excessive for 8 day old seedlings. I am growing in coco now, an overwaterer's dream, and after setting up my medium I don't water until day 5 and that's only 750 ml and again on day ten and day fifteen 1.5 liters. After that I turn on my reservoir and let the girls decide how much to feed. So in the first 15 days in a 3.9 gallon pot they only got 1 gallon each. See my grow journal for an example of how I feed.
Starting week 8 and the ladies are looking good. Stacking on the flowers pretty well. I am getting some P toxicity, with hitting them with big bud, hammer head and mammoth P. So I made the executive decision to drop the hammer Head and mammoth P for the next week and see what happens. I had the same thing happen to my last grow, so I think the overload in P and K is causing the problems. Too much P and it can muck with other things, like locking out cal/mag and such. You will see in the pics. the leafs look like a cal/mag problem, but they are getting 4ml. per gallon of cal/mag +
On to some pics...
. Can anyone tell me why my tangie matic is staying so short. She seems to be growing pretty good just she isn't growing tall. I have two 250 watt hps lights hanging 20 inches above her. She is 23 days old and just showing little preflowers. I'm confused with what's going on. I've never grown autos before so I don't know what to expect. But I know she doesn't look like most plants on here.

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