Grow Mediums briman goes Tangiematic in the XL System

Welcome @Northern Grower and @shane thomas!! :pass:Heading into week 5 and what a difference 6 days make!! I upped their feed to 2ml/L base and throwing additives and silica at em now. Should see some incredible growth this next week. Decided to leave them alone and just let them grow sea of green and pull the two apart just a bit and see what happens. I raised the leds up and will be looking for some stretch this week as well. Also did a bit of leaf tucking and my hands smell of dankness and citrus!:headbang: Smell isnt too pungent, but we are just seeing pre flowers on these gals! On to some crappy quick picks...
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2 girls 1 autopot things getting interesting in their lookin good man... [emoji269] [emoji269] [emoji269] [emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1]

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We never learn with these autopots @briman because we still think they might grow small plants :p

I'm hoping my damn near 7 foot tent is tall enough lol may the force be with me and all who think autopots grow small plants [emoji50] [emoji50] [emoji50]

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But, but, but,..... they start out sooooooooooo small. :growing::crying:
Couple more days and we will be in week 6!! Oh what a difference 6 days make from the last update! The plant on the right is more of a indica pheno and both in the multipot are real sativa dom!! I dont think I will multipot plants in these again. They are now jockeying for the space. Learning alot this grow! Both pots are drinking 4 gallons of feed/water every 3 days. I hit them with a big feed and upped their grow nutes to 10ml per gallon on the base and 5ml on the additives and 10ml per gallon on the terpinator. Gave them a little zyme this feed as well. I have about 26 inches left for head room and I think they will be good to flip to bloom nutes next week and start the big bud and bulk these ladies up. On to some pics...
Welcome fellas!:pass: Eek my man, grab a chair! Hold on.... things are fixing to take off!!:headbang: I fired up the other panel, mixed a 4 gallon lite rez, turned on the air domes and we should see some explosive growth in the next few days!
Week 3(day 20ish) and they are all looking good! I am still wanting to pull one of the multi potted ladies. One will be the dominant one and shade the other one out, so I may very well pull one tomorrow, when I throw the scrog on em. I'll sleep on it. Hit em early with the carboload and the terpinator right out of the gate with the first rez. everything ph'd to 5.8 and I will run this grow, then hook up the RO system and throw my ph pen in the drawer. @Duggy a small preview of whats to come!! On to a few pics...
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radiating health!
Couple more days and we will be in week 6!! Oh what a difference 6 days make from the last update! The plant on the right is more of a indica pheno and both in the multipot are real sativa dom!! I dont think I will multipot plants in these again. They are now jockeying for the space. Learning alot this grow! Both pots are drinking 4 gallons of feed/water every 3 days. I hit them with a big feed and upped their grow nutes to 10ml per gallon on the base and 5ml on the additives and 10ml per gallon on the terpinator. Gave them a little zyme this feed as well. I have about 26 inches left for head room and I think they will be good to flip to bloom nutes next week and start the big bud and bulk these ladies up. On to some pics...
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6 days pump, looks absolutely incredible, never see this kinda action in the arctic greenhouse, lol
. Sorry to butt in on this thread but does anyone know why my tangie matic is growing like this.

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It appears to still have some of the shell casing on it still once off it should open up/grow I'm usually able to take the casing off gently with my fingers

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Welcome aboard @The Elvis!! Yes sir, I love smelling the fingers after tucking leaves on this one! Smells like citrus orange peel, but no real stink on its own. I'll run it on 1 more 4 gallon veg feed, then flower nutes the end of the week, then I'll flower them to 11 weeks and give them a week to 10 days of plain water. going to make some solid concentrates!! Cant wait!:headbang: