New Grower BR549's First Grow (or, I finally get off my ass...)

DAY 14:

Just a shot of the biggest one to go along with the group photo this time. Man, my photo skills need improving!

As for yesterday's lime experiment, not only does the plant look fine, it's actually caught up with the next biggest plant. If things keep going like this, next watering day the other two will get a dose of the stuff.
Looking good, BR, and glad you're seeing positive results with the lime. :thumbsup: That hydrated can be spooky stuff.
Is it just the light (and the late hour), or does one of those gals have some pretty banged up leaves?
Damned if I know; tell me which one and I'll go look! My photographs don't impress me, and I forgot to switch on more light for these shots anyway. :D

The main problem I've noticed so far is the front one (which got the lime) couldn't decide if it was marijuana or lettuce. She just wouldn't get up off the ground. The leaves were coming, but no stem. She seems to finally be standing up, though. If it's that one, it's probably just that I haven't got all the perlite and soil dust off of her yet.
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That gal on the top right.... could just be my old eyes, too!


The main problem I've noticed so far is the front one (which got the lime) couldn't decide if it was marijuana or lettuce.
:rofl: Yeah, we have 2 RQ Critical growing, old freebies from Herbies, that started out like watermelon vines, just laying in the dirt. I decided not to stake them up, just food and water. They're now almost back to vertical, the lazy bums!
That gal on the top right.... could just be my old eyes, too!


:rofl: Yeah, we have 2 RQ Critical growing, old freebies from Herbies, that started out like watermelon vines, just laying in the dirt. I decided not to stake them up, just food and water. They're now almost back to vertical, the lazy bums!
Got one of those haha.
you can see wich one .. i keep looking at it like wtf did i drop in the PX. mini cabbage.
Well, I gotta say that this was the perfect thread to go with my first morning cup of coffee! BR549 you get my vote for being one of the funniest guys on AFN! Some of your posts made me laugh so hard I cried…

You've got a killer set up, and your little girls look right chipper. I'm really going to enjoy following along.

For some reason, I saw it too when you quoted it, but it's a trick of the camera. Looks like a couple of leaves are going fast in that shot!
Glad to hear it! Whew, I was about to hit the BIG RED BUTTON!

BR549 you get my vote for being one of the funniest guys on AFN! Some of your posts made me laugh so hard I cried…
Amen, Nuggz. :thumbsup: FYI, it's good folks like you and BP that keep the Vibe alive, :vibes:.
Have a whack for comment of the weekend! :slap:
Hey brother. Looking good man. Its a shame you cant do TLO. Im in an apartment, and I just keep it in a storage tub, with a lid. So, its concealed to where no smells get out. Not sure how your situation is though. So, definitely understandable. I didnt think TLO was viable for my situation, until I got a tub to dump my spare soil in. Then, I thought to myself. I guess I could do some TLO here.
What ever medium you decide to go with after this grow will treat you well. Cheers my friend!:pass: