You know, the one mistake I see noobs on here making time after time is this: something goes wrong, so they post that something went wrong and here's what they did. That doesn't really make use of the resources here, does it? If you knew what to do, you wouldn't be a noob!!! Well, guess who's making the same mistake? Durrr..... So, I'm going to nip this in the bud (hmmm...bad term here) and ask now before I screw up more.
Here's the deal: I thought my soil was fine. When I watered last week, I got my water to 6.4 before I used it. However, when it came out, I figured I might as well test it. The run off was 5.1! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this means my soil is seriously acidic, correct? I watered again today (the heat wave took it's toll there!). I got this silly idea that using more base water would raise the soil. Water in was 8.9; run off was 6.4. Doing the math confirms the first result, but obviously I need something else to raise the pH of my soil. (Next time, I'll take care of this BEFORE dropping seeds; unfortunately., I was too new to realize this would be a problem.) Any ideas on how to deal with this problem and save the grow?